Hi Everyone...New here
Hello everyone! My name is Michelle, and this site was recommended to me today. I am researching surgery and thought this would be a great outlet. So, I am 22 years old, and in Dover DE. I am currently 5'4 and 314 pounds. I did not realize there were so many people right here in Delaware that have had surgery. From what I understand there are a few different types of surgery. I would appreciate any advice, you all have to offer me. I am curious about the doctors and facilities mostly. I am covered by BCBS (PPO). If there is anyone that has BCBS, I would looooove to ask you some questions about the approval process. Hope to chat with everyone soon!
Hi Michelle,
Welcome! Glad you are here, you have managed to find yourself one awesome group of people. All of us in different stages of the process ( which really makes it nice) Ask lots of questions and you will get alot of help. My main advice would be:
1. Educate yourself as much as you can about all the procedures available.
2. Research your surgeon carefully and ask he/she tons of questions when you go in for your initial consultation. Make sure they have a good pre-op as well as post-op program so you don't feel left hangin in the wind.
3. Take the negative people you WILL encounter with a big ole grain of salt and weigh it against what your heart, your research and your gut tell you.
4. Get a good support system in place to help you each step along the way ( you already found us! ) educate your hubby or s/o or whoever you live with or is close to you. take them with you to appts etc. It will help ALOT as you go along for them to know exactly what it is that's happening.
Good luck and welcome!

Welcome Michelle. This web site is a great source of information. I don't have BCBS, but I know some of the group does. If you have a question, ask. Some are pre-op and some are post-op. So there is a variety of us to tap into our brain. Have you been to a DR. yet? We are very Geographically diversified also. Some from downstate and others from upstate. Good luck on your journey.

Hey Michelle,
I am glad to welcome you to this site. I have BCBS insurance and had my surgery in October 2003 (my 3-month anniversary was yesterday). I can give you my experience with BCBs (mine is BCBS-Illinois). Pretty positive. So feel free to ask.
I read your profile. Been there. How about waiting for a non-booth at a restaurant for a half hour when there were so many open booths. And you have to explain to everyone as there seated that I prefer a table, not telling them the truth that I couldn't fit in a booth.
The great thing about the site is you can ask your questions. Get some opinions. We're all at different stages of the journey but sharing the journey is a great release.
Ask away.
Rob (one of just a few of the male angels)

Hi, Michelle!
I am also 5'4 and started my journey at close to 270 lbs. I also had BC/BS of DE (PPO) when I had my surgery in November (it's my understanding that all of the east coast divisions of BC/BS have merged into one BC/BS now called BC/BS Empire). I'm not sure what locality/division of BC/BS you have living in Dover, DE and having a doctor in Tacoma, Washington, but I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have and give you my own experience.
As many others have stated, this is a fantastic site to research, journal, and enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of people out there just like yourself, who are in all different stages of their own journeys.
We hope you have a wonderful time here... and welcome!

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome...Im a 27 year old guy that started researching the procedure in sept 2002. I was 380lbs then. I got surgery in Feb 3 2003...11 months ago...I have since lost 170lbs!!!! What I can say for you now ..Is do all the research you can...Its best to be totally informed about surgery, complications, what to expect in recovery and whats going to be needed on your part. This surgery is a "tool" to help us lose the weight...The better educated you are about how to use the tool the more success you will receive. I know that the support group meetings and this website are excellent ways to get information and support! I also have bcbs empire. The approval process was so easy. The doctors office that I went to..Dr. Wynn and Dr. Irgau did all the work...But if you do have any question like everyone said..all you have to do is ask... Well good luck on your journey.
Hi Michelle,
Welcome, I'd just reiterate what everyone has said, but still wanted to say hi. Do you know about the PMRI support group meetings? They are once/twice a month and each is a different topic. A lot of us go there and it is a wealth of information, not to mention the great group of people!