Feeling a Bit On The Silly Side
Hello everyone,
I am feeling a bit silly after the last 2 days of losing all sense and letting my emotions get the better of me. Thank you for all your kind replies, I wouldn't have seen them if not for Dianne's email somehow getting through. The site settings don't work for my and I don't get emails for some reason. Tina, I never got yours either.
I really am fine. Nobody did or said anything to offend me at all! Anything I was struggling with was stemming from my own demons during an emotional time. It's embarrassing to "lose it" I am usually a pretty private person as far as my own feelings. I'm working on that though. For some reason I guess I was trying to "prove" something to myself reading soooooo many negative posts ( not here, but on the main board ) Kind of a proving I can handle all the negativity and still follow through with my plan. It's amazing the crap we do to ourselves to feel valid in our choices sometimes.
Anyway, I am feeling much better and decided to just let it go. I know what I want and now's the time to just let it happen as it will. I am finishing up a few pre-op details. One last follow up with the cardiologist today and the pulmonologist on the 20th. After that it's EGD and surgery day.
I hope the day finds you all happy and healthy and most of all with peace of mind!
Hi Tina,
Not sure what the email deal is. I have played with the settings and still never get them. I was really surprised to see Dianne's come through. Yep, my oldest son is 16 and the youngest will be 13 in June ( can you say teen hell?? lol ) My email is [email protected]. Thanks for your good thoughts.