Cardiac Cath a success
My procedure went well yesterday. That is to say my arteries are clear (they said like a 10 year old! lol, sometimes I feel like a 10 y/o!)
The "prep" stuff was a lot worse than the procedure itself. Can anyone say "HATE FOLI CATHS!! ?? HAHA
"My doc was awesome! So, all my clearances are done. NOW for the insurance.
PS..Thanks to you guys who thought of me and mentioned me in the posts. I'm one of those people who thinks they perfer to be alone (like I'm having a hard time being helpless today), but seeing that you guys thought of me gives me warm fuzzies! I hope Linda B see's this, this one reason this site is so awesome and the support network is fabulous!!
PSS... Tammy, everytime I read your posts, I'm in awe at your words. How about we start a greeting card line for WLS. Hallmark lookout!! So much of what you write could be on a beautiful card!
Thanks again guys!

Dear Tina,
Such wonderful news ... thank you so much for letting us know! I have been praying that all went well with the cath. I know what a wonderful relief it is to get it over with. What a blessing that all is well!!! HUGS!!!
Now for the Halmark comments ... oh my gosh, I am so blushing. How funny is that ... I always feel like my words don't come close to expressing what it is I am trying to say. You guys are so very sweet and so very supportive. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I feel so very blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful new friends.