
Angel Honors ~ 4 CARLA!!!

Jus Me
on 1/6/04 2:03 am - My own little corner of the world
Slipping in to say ... This is Carla's last full day as a Pre-Op. YIPPIE!!! PLease be sure to surround her with love, wrap your arms around her with hugs, and help to calm any frazzled nerves that might be trying to pop up today. http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/status.phtml?N=I1052145736 Thanks guys ... we are all so blessed!!! Everyone here is so supportive!!!
Jus Me
on 1/6/04 2:10 am - My own little corner of the world
DEAR CARLA, I am SO very excited for you!!! I want you to know that I count it such an honor that I am your "Angel". God has blessed me beyond belief by allowing me such a wonderful friend to walk through this WL journey with. You are a beautiful woman Carla, both inside and out. This surgery is not about making your beautiful, because you already are. Although, it is going to enhance your beauty by allowing you the physical freedom to do and be. Okay, okay ... cut the sappy stuff ... cause I want NO TEARS Sweetie. This is a wonderful time in your life and and this surgery is going to be such a blessing for you to allow you the physical freedom that you have desired for such a long time. Get ready chickie ... those chains of obesity are about to break wide open and your life is about to forever change. Expect that the blessings are going to be greater than our imaginations can ever dream!!! NO more grocery store clerks for us Chickie ~ NOPE, ain't gonna do it anymore!!! This is it my dear friend ... FLY ... FLY ... FLY!!! Love & Hugs!!! Tammy P.S. I know you already know this, but I am going to say it once again ... I am praying for you. May God have His hands upon the surgeons, surgery staff, hospital, nurses and all support. May He guide their eyes, hands, hearts and head. May He dispatch a flurry of angels to surround you and watch over you. May you rest in the knowledge that He is the ultimate Physician, His child. Surgery Date 1-07-04
Elissa H
on 1/6/04 2:16 am - Wilmington, DE
Not sure about CJ, but you made me cry Tammy. You are so sweet. I hope that tomorrow goes well and will also be praying for you CJ. Elissa
on 1/6/04 2:50 am - Middletown, DE
Oh, my....I am, too!! I'm slipping in on here from work (can you say sytems access..yeah!!) and just wanted to say that we will be thinking of you, Carla!! We love you!! (((hugs))) -Karen
Cj B.
on 1/6/04 10:35 am
Thanks everyone -- I appreciate the prayers and support! (((((((HUGS))))))))) Carla
Clint B.
on 1/6/04 11:14 am - Newcastle, DE
Carla, I know you will do fine with the surgery.. I will come through with flying colors and no complications. I wish you the best...Good Luck.. You'll be fine!!!
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