Skim Plus and Fat Free Plus
If you are like me I can't stand skim milk. The only milk I can drink is 2%. But at the support group meeting I heard about milk called Skim Plus. It actually has 11 grams of protein (more than regular milk), less sugar and less calories and zero grams of fat!!!!! This is the best taste exactly like 2% milk. It's the greatest thing yet!!!!! I found it at Shoprite for 2.50 for half gallon. They also have a fat free plus..but i was too scared to try that. But I totally recommed trying the skim plus!!!!
Hi Clint,
Thanks for the info! I have seen it at Acme and plan on picking some up next time I go. Would you mind if I posted your product review on the MSN site? Don't want to say "Clint' Recommends" without your permission. I may even get wild and try the fat free version lol. wooo party!

Thanks for letting us know. Pre-op I never really drank milk, but post-op I do. And the skim milk does not bother me, but if I can get EXTRA protein AND have it taste like 2% .... then you better believe that I will be trying that it next time I shop!!
Have a great day ... and BTW, I am so glad that you joined the group here. It is great to have your sunshinny face around (even if we can't see the pic of your cute little face just yet!!!) *grin*
Have a great day!