PMRI meeting and our field trip!
Man, I tell ya...there is nothing like getting together with my AMOS buddies to cure the blues!! You guys are just so fantastic..and funny! I never laughed so much in a couple of hours. a group of us took pix at the meeting and then caravaned over to Trader Joe's, led by our fearless leader, Elissa! (I will post these pix on my web page and also at Linda's PMRI MSN group.)
What a treat that place is!! I was really pleasantly surprised. We made quite a scene in the aisles oohing and ahhing over certain the flounder w/crabmeat stuffing at a whopping 30 grms of protein and less than 1 gm of sugar. Or the stuffed chicken breast w/cranberry almond stuffing...29grms of protein and 1 grm of sugar!
I've listed other goodies we found at the bottom of this email. If I forgot something, pls add a post! You really need to chk this place out, if you haven't already!
Oh, and should we mention our parking lot swap?? Yep, we unabashedly opened the different products that each of us got and traded!! Karen was heard yelling, "Hey, you got any extra baggies?" while Kathy was breaking apart her Met RX Chocolate fudge bar and Tammy was pouring her mixed nuts specialty (recipe on the board).
Btw, can you say Soy and Flaxseed Tortilla Chips, girls!! lol We made Kathy go back in and get THREE more bags, one for each of us, after we tasted them! 40% less carbs than regular tortilla chips w/6 grms of protein and 5 grms of fiber per serving (15 chips).
You girls need to let me know how you liked the unflavored Unjury and also the Trader Joe's chocolate whey protein powder. I haven't tried it yet but it sure smells good (the latter). The Achiev One coffee drink was gone by the time I got home. Carla, I have to admit, my first swig, I was like, hmmmm, not sure I like this and was looking for your truck just to hand it to ya, since you liked it so much! I was still trying to convince myself that it wasn't that good when I noticed, damn, it was more than half-way I'd say, while it's no Frappachino, it certainly has potential! Especially at 20 grms of protein for a 9.5 oz bottle!! I would definetly buy another! Thanx, Kath!
All in all, a good time was had by all. I think Carla split her spleen laughing at all our (ahem) post-op stories...we are just so excited that her day is Wednesday (and Debbie's is Monday), that we, well, ya know, how to share the "my labor was 64 hrs!" kinda stories. The good, the bad, the ugly. You know how women do! lol
Anyhow, I love getting together with you guys. Thanx for bringing a smile to my face...I really do feel so much better! Can't wait to see you all again next month!!
Love ya!
Other items found at Trader Joe's:
*Refried pinto beans (salsa style) @ 7 grms of protein and 0 sugar per serv.
*Masala Chai Tea
*Bruschetta (Italian tomato topiing w/garlic and basil @ 1 grm of protein and 2 grms of sugar per 2 teaspoons). Tasty little topper for chicken or fish!
*Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal @9 grms of protein and 8 grms of fiber per serving...oh! I just noticed this has 12 grms of sugar per cup! Be careful!
*Did I mention the Soy and Flaxseed Tortilla Chips?

Hey, sounds like you guys had a great time! I am glad now that I couldn't make it...oh man, I was on my way home and started feeling kind of off and by the time I got here it was gettin let's just say I'm glad there was nobody between me and the bathroom door. sorry to be so gross, LOL just be GLAD I wasn't with you guys at TJ's! I think I will make a section over at PMRI Friends called we tried we liked, so we can get to them for quick reference, I will include the list you just posted if that's ok?
Glad you guys had fun!

OH, Linda! I certainly hope you're feeling better! What a bummer! What do you think did it? Or is it the start of the flu perhaps?
We DID miss you at TJ's (funny, that's my son's nickname, too. Travis Johnathon) but maybe we can all go again next month.
Btw, thanx for the supportive words today. I never had anyone call me 'Skinny Minny' before!
P.S. I posted the pix at the MSN site... And including the list would be great!!

Okay you guys, I did have a fun time today. You can't imagine the stares we got from people at Trader Joe's. They were listening to every word we said. Their was a lady that asked if we were on Weigh****chers. I told her no we are all Gastric Bypass posts and pre-ops. She was really impressed that we were all shopping together. Anyway I did try the Chili ConQueso. 2 tbsp are 0 fat, 0 sugar, 3 g carb, 20 calories. The reason it is so low is it doesn't have any cheese. It's a tomatoe product with cheese flavor. That and 10 tortilla chips was almost nothing, (Her's) 140 calories, 6g fat, 1 sugar, 3g protein. . UMMMM good. I'll have to try TJ's chips next time. I'll let you know how the soups I bought taste. We did find a lot of cool things that we can eat. I can't wait to try the stuffed fish and stuffed chicken. For those that didn't make it maybe next month.
OBTW Kathy did you chew the Calcium tablet yet. It's awfully big. Taste better than Tums? Elissa