Updated PICS!!
Cj B.
on 12/29/03 12:46 am
on 12/29/03 12:46 am
Has everyone had an opportunity to check out the new pics Tammy posted??? Girl,you are looking great!! You have come so far in only 2 months -- Congratulations!!
And, have you seen Rob's pic - he's now showing his smiling face around here! Good to see you Rob!
I'm so happy that the board is picking up and we are all sharing such great information and life experiences.
I hope to see you all at the next Support Group meeting on Saturday!!!!
((hugs)) Cj

Why thank ya, thank ya very much (she says in her best Elvis voice)!!!
Funny thing ... just a couple of months ago ... I HID from cameras. Now it is not so bad ... gosh, who woulda figured such a big change in attitude in such a short time ... go figure!!!
I know I still have so far to go ... but it is so exciting to be on the train (protein train that is) at least! *grin*
So Rob, are you enjoying the train ride as well??? I love your picture ... you smile is contageous!!! It is wonderful to see how far you have come so fast!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Hugs to each of you!!!