A new beginning, a healthier you (and me!)
Cj B.
on 12/23/03 12:33 pm
on 12/23/03 12:33 pm
Hi all! I found a great posting in someone's profile (Heather Sterling) and although it is quite long, I wanted to post it here, in case you wanted to print it out....I know as a pre-op, I'm constantly looking for things that I will be able to have after surgery - Diane really spells out a lot of great things. She's 22 months out with a BMI of 24, her before and after pics were great too - very inspiring!
Anyway....I found this repost on Heather's site - I hope you find it helpful....
Happy Sunday All, I get a lot of emails asking for some tips on WHAT TO EAT and since this is a perpetual HOT TOPIC on the board, here are the tips I share with people I coach through the post-op journey... * Post-op Eating After Care Advice-What Do I Do NOW??? Diane's Post-op Rules to Live by ? Drink your water!!! ? Take 2 multi-vitamins a day ? Eat three scheduled meals a day-don't graze or eat randomly ? Measure your food till you're able to judge portion size ? Eat REAL FOOD and always eat your protein first ? Chew thoroughly and eat slowly, putting your fork down between bites ? STOP as soon as you even think you're getting full ? Do not drink beverages while eating meals ? Do not drink for 30" before or after meals ? Avoid ALL sweets and starches ? Goal: 75 to 100 grams protein/day (this will take some time to achieve) 1 oz of protein in volume = 7 grams. Ex. Eat 5 oz of protein three x a day you are getting in 105 grams of protein. If your pouch can only hold 2-3 oz, then you can supplement with a protein shake, protein powder or a protein bar to get close to 75 grams/day. ? Listen to your stomach-when it's full (or preferably just before) you're finished! ? "Quality over Quantity" is now your new motto ? Attend your support group meetings, and offer help to others ? Exercise daily-keep a log, start slowly and build up Good Protein Sources Eggs, Eggbeaters, Cheese & cheese sticks (portable protein), Fish and Shellfish Chicken, Pork, Bacon, Ham & Sausage, Beef, Tofu (yes, cubed and topped with cheese sauce you'd never know it's not mac & cheese), Nuts-all kinds (not honey glazed), Refried beans (1/4 - 1/2 cup) w/melted cheese, Natural SF nut butters, cream cheese-plain or flavored but not with sugar, ricotta or cottage cheese, whole milk-use occasionally in cooking or for a pudding treat (count this as part of your meal) *Protein shakes & bars are OK only when unable to at "real" food. Personally, I never use them more than twice/week MAX. I like Optimum Brand Whey Protein shakes in chocolate and vanilla, and Pure Protein bars in 'Smore, lemon and blueberry. IMHO, do yourself a favor and stay away from the PB&J. It's nasty stuff. Carb Solutions bars in peanut butter, hazelnut, brownie fudge nut and toffee are good too. *Some surgeons says to avoid soups but for the first week or so after you get home if you don't feel like you can tolerate solids, you can heat some broth or creamed soups made with whole milk and add minced/chopped chicken, ham, etc... Make it nice and thick and enjoy it! Drink Suggestions - make it a habit to always have something to drink in hand Water, Crystal Lite, Decaf coffee & tea-hot or iced, hot bouillon-beef, chicken & vegetable broth, sugar-free Popsicles (AVOID Fruit bars unless they are made from pureed real fruit or No-sugar added bars-too many carbs), Sugar-free Jell-O. *AVOID carbonated beverages and watch the alcohol, which immediately converts into sugar and can cause dumping syndrome. I didn't start drinking wine until I was 6 months out. Everyone reacts differently. If you want to have a drink and see what happens, do it at home just in case you have a reaction. AND remember*** 1 drink feels like 2!! So go EASY, OK? (read: cheap date
Starches Bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and croutons are a NO-NO, they are converted to sugar by the body and will slow weight loss and induce carb cravings. Read the science behind Atkins to understand how this works. You're going to ahve to explain it to people for the rest of your life, so you might as well get it right early on. It also helps to understand how the body metabolized the foods you consume. KNOWING, and making the right food choices only HELPS VALIDATE YOUR CHOICE to take charg of your eating. Vegetables Once you have eaten your protein you can have a non-starchy vegetable that's been boiled, steamed, sautéed, pureed, baked, grilled or served raw. Here are just a few examples: Broccoli, Eggplant, Tomato, Cauliflower, Peppers, Carrots Zucchini, Green beans, Onions Snow peas, Sprouts, Lettuce Dill pickles, Olives, Cucumbers, Radishes Celery, Spinach, any salad *In the beginning avoid or limit to no more than once/week: peas, lima beans, baked beans & corn (very high in starch). Also avoid bottled spaghetti sauces like Ragu and Prego, they're loaded with corn syrup and sugar. If you like tomato sauce, try Pizza Quick Sauce, it's very low carb and satisfies the desire for Italian, or make your own sauce-minus the sugar. Fruits Unsweetened apple sauce is a refreshing treat. A small serving of fruit (1/4 to 1/2 cup) is fine if you want it. It's OK to eat a small amount of fruit with your protein meals if you enjoy it on occasion-no more than 2 or 3 times/week. I like a fruit salsa or just a pineapple or mango slice with grilled meats. Fruit Suggestions ? A few slices of a crisp tart Granny Smith or Fuji apple or sliced pear spread with 2 T. natural peanut butter or cream cheese make a nice breakfast or lunch. ? A handful of fresh berries or a small peach, plum or a few cherries are a nice treat. *Avoid bananas, dried fruits and grapes-they're all LOADED with natural sugar. *Also avoid fruit juices of all kinds-they are also high I natural sugars and will hamper weightloss. DID YOU KNOW that six oz. of OJ is equal to 3 or 4 oranges?? Eat the fruit instead. One whole orange will satisfy you. Sweets Avoid all sugars, honey, baked goods, pies, cakes, cookies, candies. They may cause Dumping Syndrome and will definitely thwart your weight loss efforts. Look out for sweetened drinks!! If you're not sure, stick to water. ? Try Splenda-it's good! Equal, Sweet & Low and Sugar Twin are also fine. SF syrups are also good. DaVinci and Atkins are the best. ? For special occasions you can still have SF puddings, cheesecake, and meringue cookies. ? Extra Creamy Cool Whip (not Lite-it's higher) contains only 2 carbs per 2 tablespoons and is good on SF Jell-O. Heavy, whipping cream and half and half are also OK in moderation. ? Fat free items often have more carbs than "regular" like milk, cottage cheese, creamed cheese, etc...be aware. Gum, Mints and "Sugar-free"Candy-read the label! ? Don't eat it if it contains more than 2 carbs per piece. ? Any sugar-free chewing gum is fine. I like Eclipse gum then a cold glass of water - fresh! ? Velamint makes a SF Chocolate mint that very good. Altoids are also very low carb. Breakfast Ideas ? Boiled, poached, fried and scrambled eggs and any type omelet are a nice way to start the day. ? Eggbeaters with cheese, bacon, ham or sausage are easy and quick. ? Last night's leftovers, or a protein shake or bar work in a real pinch. ? Cheese sticks and a few nuts are also portable and good. ? A spoonful of natural peanut butter. It's the closest thing to Reece's cup you'll get. I like Smucker's Natural or Fifty-50 brand (yes, stir in the natural oils that rise to the top of the jar. That will keep it creamy-and then refrigerate and enjoy!) Lunch and Dinner Ideas ? Any protein is fine-whatever you feel like. ? When you are able to eat a bit more, add a small salad, or vegetable - it helps keep things interesting and you won't be bored with your meals. ? Enjoy your protein with raw, roasted or stir-fried veggies or serve over a crisp salad, or wrapped in a lettuce leaf and dipped in dressing or salsa. ? Melted cheese on chicken and meats make things interesting. ? Make a butter-wine sauce using pan juices or a dab of bottled gravy-they're very low carb. ? Melt a few ounces of shredded cheese that you've topped with a spoonful Pizza Quick Sauce and your favorite toppings in the microwave for INSTANT PIZZA FLAVOR! ? Steamed or sautéed julienne veggie strips make a nice base for protein or low carb tomato sauce topped with a good grated Parmesan or Romano cheese. * mix one can of artichokes with 4-6 oz shedded mozzarella cheese, 1 clove of crushed garlic, salt & pepper to taste and a splash of cream or half and half. Top with Parmesean cheese and bake till bubbly and golden brown. Enjoy with high fiber, low carb crackers or veggies. Everyday Tips ? Remember to season and marinate your protein for the best flavor. Don't be afraid of salt as long as you're drinking your water! Just don't go crazy. ? It's OK to have regular salad dressings, mayo, salsa, mustard, ketchup, Tabasco-both red and green add lots of flavor, just avoid sweet BBQ sauces and dressings like honey mustard, French and Catalina. Diet dressings are also loaded with sugars-beware. (READ LABELS) ? Eating out is not a problem-just order an appetizer or the entrée and ask for a salad or veggie to replace the starch, then take home your leftovers for another meal or two! You are now officially a CHEAP DATE! Enjoy yourself and your dinner companions. Let the waiter bring you water-just don't drink it, and ask that he take the bread basket away if it's tempting. Also, please let the servers know that your food is good but you eat small portions-he'll ask what's wrong when he sees you don't eat much. ? Don't be afraid of butter, sour cream and olive oil-it won't hurt you. ? If you're not hungry, it's OK to skip a meal, just drink plenty zero calorie liquids and eat at your next scheduled meal. Remember- you won't starve to death and most importantly - YOU WON'T HAVE CRAVINGS AND YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT!! ? Take advantage of your post-op recovery time to develop new habits. Your commitment to a lifestyle change is essential to your success. Eat right, drink your water and start moving. Do these three things and you'll soon achieve the success you desire. HAVE SOME FUN AND BE HAPPY! This is a new beginning to a healthier you! * Nutritional Requirements Your surgeon will advise you on vitamins. Most recommend two multi-vitamins per day. You should aim for a minimum of 50 grams of protein per day to start. Seventy five to 100 grams is even better. Some people require B12 and other nutritional supplements. Your medical doctor will monitor your labwork and advise you. That's it for me...now go forth and get healthy!! Diane -- Diane N (cut & paste the link below for her profile)
( http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=N1003973539 )
Happy Holidays! ((hugs)) Carla