Test was good!
I just got home from having the stress echo at the hospital. Boy, you couldn't have ordered a nicer group of nurses and techs than I had this morning, they were great! When they found out this was part of clearance for surgery they said Oh you will have to talk to Donna ( another nurse back there) she had it done last year. She came in and talked to me for awhil and she looks great and says she feels wonderful..then another woman came in with my release form to sign and she is in the same process, and said she was at the meeting Saturday with her daughter!
They ran the test and my doc was there and looked at everything while it was happening. When it was done he said the pics weren't perfect as far as c larity etc...but he felt no problem in telling me that I am fine. Boy what a relief and a wonderful Christmas present! I see him again in January for another follow up but thats just formailty stuff..looks like I'm cleared in the cardiac area.
I wanna thank you guys for being such a wonderful support group. Boy, with support systems like we al have there isn't much we can't accomplish!