For those that asked for ...
For those that asked for the information on how to add the information about sending emails to Christiana hospital patients and/or add your angels name to your profile ...
Go to update your profile and log in. When you get to your update page go to the I've got a date section. Right below where you have a pull down tab to enter the type of surgery you are having you will see a text box that allows you to tell others how to contact you at the hospital. Just paste the following information (edited to include your personal information of course) in that box and walla ... you have done it!!! Oh, one more thing, you will need to add (with no spaces before the b or after the r) where you want your line breaks. Otherwise it will just end up as one continuous paragraph. The br with the greater and less than sign are the commands for line breaks. I can't post the way it will look without the spaces because they will not show, they will only cause a line break in this forum.
BTW - this is also the page where you can enter your angels name ~ just go further down the page and you will see ... angels name goes here!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask ... I will do what I can to help out!
Christiana Care
4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road
Information 302-733-1000
Emergency Service 302-733-1601
TT Only 302-733-3500
Check this out ... all my OH friends
My hospital now has a service that allows for friend and loved ones to send email messages to the patients. Just go to the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. All encouraging emails gladly accepted, and deeply appreciated. I need all the support I can get!!!
Click here to send email to (Need to put your first & last name here).
I was able to cut and paste the Hospital information onto my profile. However, take a look and tell me what I did wrong. It didn't come out quite right. The link I got from Hope's posting for Beth. If I double click on the link it doesn't work.
I did go onto my AOL and removed all the junk mail blocks. Tina told me today her emails to me were refused. So I'm thinking if someone tried to get to me about my profile and journal I have been refusing all mail (from people I didn't know). Hope to hear from then again soon. Thanks for your help. hugs ......EH
I am going to send you the information via email after church. You should just be able to cut and paste it exactly as I send it and have it work. It is much harder to explain in this forum because they allow us to use HTML coding here and so when I try to type the coding instead of allowing you to see the code, it simply does the command.
It was nice meeting you yesterday!