Has anyone had this happen before???
Hi All,
I wanted to know if anyone has had anything like this happen to them before. I am almost 11 weeks post-op and have not had any problems since surgery. Well on Tuesday night I started with this "heartburn" like feeling and it stayed all night. Yesterday I was in pain all morning (was afraid to eat but did drink). Then yesterday evening the constant pain pretty much went away but it does hurt when I burp and if I turn a certain way. It is in my right side. I do not have my gallbladder so I know it is not that. I have a lot of mucus too especially since I am getting over a cold. I called Dr. Irgua's office yesterday and was told Brett would call me back. Well the first call went to them in the am, and since I had not heard from Brett all day I called again around 4:00pm. Vernadette said she would make sure Brett called me back but he never did. I am wondering if the burping pain could just be soreness from being in pain for awhile or what it could be. Tums did not help. Any info appreciated. Hope
Hi Hope,
I'm preop so haven't experienced this ( yet lol ) Do you think it could be a combination of gas and heartburn? Maybe Tums wan't strong enough. Maybe some GasX and a stronger antiacid?
Whatever the cause, I get completely frustrated when calls from docs offices aren't returned
I hope you get some answers soon!
Feel better,

I have not experienced that before, but I did have one episode early on where something got stuck in my throat. Kinda weird how things affect us now that we are post-op isn't it? I know I was so scared that I had done something really wrong. Was so glad when it was all over.
By reading your symptoms ... I was wondering if you may have the start of an ulcer? I would call the office again first thing this morning. It is Thursday and Dr Irgua is supposed to be in today. So if you need to be seen, likely they can squeeze you in today.
Please let us know how you are doing later when you feel up to it.