did you guys see this post
It was by Staci O on the main message board abotu WLS making the front page of yahoo. http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/messageboard/postdetail/47638.html?vc=0
Someone in that thread posted the link to the message board on that page...and it was just awful. I can't believe the shallow, rediculous things the posters said. It made me feel so outraged but I can't figure out an outlet for it. I want to explode!
Hi Kathy,
As a message board veteran I say please don't let this upset you. It wouldn't matter WHAT the topic was, if it's an unmoderated board ( which that one looks to be) they will be flaming from here to tomorrow. I have managed several online communities over the last few years and have known some people who just have to post for shock value. They will just sit and wait for a controversial topic and slam away at it once it's posted.
For the most part these are rude crude people that have NO concept of what their words can do, and many times they are kids, once again going for the shock value. It's disgusting and sad I agree. Please ignore these idiots, they aren't worth your time. Unfortunately just like the real world the internet has some crummy neighborhoods with irresponsible landlords, this was one of them.

Thanks LB, locically, your words are so true. I know that they don't matter so I can't understand why it upset me so much. But even this morning thinking about it hurts. I'm typically one to absorb careless remarks, but they were SO awful, I guess it was just shocking.
Thanks again, I will try to but this into perspective.