?rant, frustration?

on 3/2/14 11:02 pm - Newark, DE

i had not been to CHRIAS in 3-4 yrs.

i made an appointment w dr wynn.  waited 5 wks. for my appointment w dr wynn. said i was having issues w heartburn and wanted to have the band checked after eating whatever over the yrs.  plus a "proper" blood test which my primary has not done for gastric patients.

dr peters put my band in over7 yrs ago. i wanted some one different.

when making the appointment i said i had been there but yrs ago so my "records" could be "retrieved".

i did have a weight loss!!!

dr wynn did order the blood test and Fluoroscopy . well since nothing i do is simple uncomplicated - got an appointment the next day. yeah. so i did the blood test and scopy in the same day.

the scopy showed all is ok. my concern is dr wynn was not knowledgeable of which band i had in me nor how much was in the band. since the scopy showed all is ok, she suggested to removed the fluid and put it back plus some. 

well since nothing i do is simple uncomplicated- after she had done the with and fill the uncomfortable feeling was a bit much for me.  i started to faint.  i ended up in the er. i am fine ty.

my issues are

a week later and i can only do liquids STILL.  applesauce & plain yougart come up. 

i do not want to return w/o dr wynn having knowledge of what type of band i have, how much was in it back then.

i believe the fainting was anxiety (she didnt know what band i have nor how much was in there) along w pain & discomfort. 

i remember dr peters saying the band was a 10cc and i was at 9cc.  dr wynn said something about 4cc. 

i know what i have to do, get band loosened. hopefully soon but dont want to return if they are guessing. 

is there a patient advocate, doc visit buddy that could go w me ( no i havent made the appointment yet)?

i am sure this will work itself out but someone somewhere dropped the ball.

i thought dr wynn had access to the medical records even though it was over 7 yrs ago, i was dr peters patient and the name change.  i thought i had communicated that w the staff when i made the appointment & checked in also.

thanks for listening.

just in case u have wise words for me.  my cell is 302 367 3181

ty keep warm

10cm band
on 3/3/14 2:13 am - Newark, DE

now i am understanding why the quality i have rec'd of late is sooooo different from 5-7 yrs ago.

i called for an unfill w dr wynn.  i cant get an appointment till march 17!!!!!!! omg. the quality of care!! she didnt ask any questions are reflux, too tight symptoms - nothing.  since the appointment is so far out, i asked for dr peters.  she mumbled something about i couldnt get peters. 


then i asked if dr wynn had access to my records from 7 yrs ago when dr peters did the orig lap band and adjustments.  the girl said yes.  i said i doubt it since dr wynn had no idea what kind of band i had nor how much was in there.  i want to make this an issue.  i would like to have a copy of that record from 7 yrs ago.  my last name has changed and gave that info. i want to pick up the info w/in the week.  omg

3/17.  i have surgery on 3/18 for my r kneescope!!!  omg    

10cm band
Elissa H
on 3/6/14 10:35 pm - Wilmington, DE

My c-pap broke in October. After 5 years my records went into storage. My Pulminary Dr. no longer took regular patients. I was considered a new patient. Had to wait for a month to see the next Pulminary Doc. The sleep disorder place only retrieves records 1 time a month. Oh My!!  In the meantinme thankfully my Primary Doctor had on record that I had sleep apnea and was able to order me a new machine. What a mess!! Just saying if you don't visit any Dr's office at least once every 3-4 years, they consider you a new patient???? Your records are filed away in a cave somewhere. You no longer exist. Doesn't that make ya feel special. 

Good luck Cecilia. Hope you get some relief. I had RNY not band. So not the same issues.  CHRIAS has always worked well for me. I now go to their office North Wilmington. Not the delay or wait at their Christiana office. Stay focused & positive. ((HUGS)) Elissa

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