I am back home
Hi everyone. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers during my recent knee replacement surgery. This one was a little different than the last. It was done using a spinal, so I heard the power tools. Surgery was at 11am on Tuesday and I felt no pain until Wednesday night around 6pm. Another difference, I completely lost it emotionally on Thursday. I am not sure if it was because of the pain not being completely under control and my insistance of not wanting to take oxycoton (sp) (too many intervention shows showing people addicted to that drug). I am so glad to be home. My home therapy started on Saturday and will continue for 2 weeks. I cant wait to get outside and walk around the neighborhood. I am so done with surgeries. I am even more committed to staying healthy, eating healthy and exercising. Never take your health for granted and no matter how long ago your gastric bypass surgery was, keep up with your vitamins and supplements and blood work.
On a really positive note, all of my blood work came back normal.
On a really positive note, all of my blood work came back normal.