Hey guys and gals,
Its been a long time since i been around, some of you may remember my name. Well I had gastric bypass 2005, a baby 2007 and currently in my 7thy month with baby number 2. I was vrey ill back in january and after few trips to ER, and Dr's office FINALLY a different hospital found i was serverly anemic and needed a blood transfusion. although i had been taking all my vitz, it still happened. I since then have been doing some reading and learned that recent studies showed that even with multi vitz and extra iron supplements you can still suffer from anemia and other deficiatices (sp). Anyhow i am being closly followed NOW by a hemotologist and fetal medicine place. HOWEVER.. the problwem I am having is i think i picked a hemotologist that seems to have no clue what gastric bypass is or our needs, I am not even sure anymore i know what ,my needs are. I take a fist ful of vitz every day as prescribed by Dr, but my cbc and hemoglobin, iron stores in body are all still low (very low end of normal). after all this time of monitoeing and blood trans, hell she asks me everytime i see her (once a month) "hows your periods going?" and i sit for a second staring....then i say I am x months/weeks pregnant.
I asked her about the B12 and iron injections to help boost my levels (the only levels she checks,b12 by my asking) she said SHE didn''t want to...yet. YET! i am battling this anemia, I am only, i feel one step ahead of it.
So feeling lost I made an appt with Dr. peters, its not til july.
What all blood/labs i should be having.???
I thought my PCP was the best until she too let me down with ths anemia, i had all the symptoms, but at the time i had no idea what athe symptoms were. I asked her to do blood work she said wait til july (that was in january when i was ill) middle of jan i was hospitilized. I felt like a case from the show House. People seem puzzled as to what was wrong, and i always disclsoe my gastric info FIRST.
Anyhow, i turn to you all for some help, anyhow know of a good Hemotologist and PCP. I just feel like I am not getting the best care i could.
I needed someone who is knowledgable.
I recently changed OB, since he refused to listen to the reports sent over by the fetal development and medicine Place, who specialize in high risk preg. The old OB had and was stuck on the wrong due date no matter what all the Union hospital and fetal place sent to him showing their matcing due dates back from January to present.
Thanx for reading..let me know. oh by the way its a girl this time, amd I am always looking for a good deal on baby and toddler items.
Christina 30, bear, de
Its been a long time since i been around, some of you may remember my name. Well I had gastric bypass 2005, a baby 2007 and currently in my 7thy month with baby number 2. I was vrey ill back in january and after few trips to ER, and Dr's office FINALLY a different hospital found i was serverly anemic and needed a blood transfusion. although i had been taking all my vitz, it still happened. I since then have been doing some reading and learned that recent studies showed that even with multi vitz and extra iron supplements you can still suffer from anemia and other deficiatices (sp). Anyhow i am being closly followed NOW by a hemotologist and fetal medicine place. HOWEVER.. the problwem I am having is i think i picked a hemotologist that seems to have no clue what gastric bypass is or our needs, I am not even sure anymore i know what ,my needs are. I take a fist ful of vitz every day as prescribed by Dr, but my cbc and hemoglobin, iron stores in body are all still low (very low end of normal). after all this time of monitoeing and blood trans, hell she asks me everytime i see her (once a month) "hows your periods going?" and i sit for a second staring....then i say I am x months/weeks pregnant.
I asked her about the B12 and iron injections to help boost my levels (the only levels she checks,b12 by my asking) she said SHE didn''t want to...yet. YET! i am battling this anemia, I am only, i feel one step ahead of it.
So feeling lost I made an appt with Dr. peters, its not til july.
What all blood/labs i should be having.???
I thought my PCP was the best until she too let me down with ths anemia, i had all the symptoms, but at the time i had no idea what athe symptoms were. I asked her to do blood work she said wait til july (that was in january when i was ill) middle of jan i was hospitilized. I felt like a case from the show House. People seem puzzled as to what was wrong, and i always disclsoe my gastric info FIRST.
Anyhow, i turn to you all for some help, anyhow know of a good Hemotologist and PCP. I just feel like I am not getting the best care i could.
I needed someone who is knowledgable.
I recently changed OB, since he refused to listen to the reports sent over by the fetal development and medicine Place, who specialize in high risk preg. The old OB had and was stuck on the wrong due date no matter what all the Union hospital and fetal place sent to him showing their matcing due dates back from January to present.
Thanx for reading..let me know. oh by the way its a girl this time, amd I am always looking for a good deal on baby and toddler items.
Christina 30, bear, de
Hi Christina,
Congratulations on your up coming birth. Sorry you're having problems while your pregnant.
I see Dr. George Namey at Total Care Physic ans in Glasgow.
He was very supportive when I wanted RNY and had recommended WLS to some of his patients. My husband also sees him and is very happy him. (he has diabetes and problems with his kidneys so he's always getting blood tests)
Let us know how you make out.
~Believe in Yourself~
Hi Christina....I see Dr Susan Peluso as my family doctor. She is in Newark...almost around the corner of Dr Irgau's office. She is very supportive of gastric bypass and does my bloodwork a few times a year. I also take a lot of vitamins and supplements......had a iron and protein deficiency that finally resolved itself when I started menopause. I was taking 3 iron pills and day and over 100 grams of protein a day for the last three years. I also wound up with a hematologist.....he ordered a ton of tests...but it was because I lost a lot of blood when I had spinal surgery. I saw Dr. Blatt....but he just retired this month. I really think my iron deficiency was caused from my monthly cycles....but my gyn didn't think that was the cause. I also saw Dr Peters about the iron and protein deficiency....he had suggested that I come off the protein supplements and eat steak....thought that maybe my body wasn't absorbing the protein from the supplements. I ate so much steak for about a year and a half....but the deficiencies were still there.....
I am now dealing with a vitamin d deficiency that my family doctor discovered.
It is really important to keep a check on your bloodwork. I even have LabCorp send me a copy of my results so that I can see how everything is going.
I am now dealing with a vitamin d deficiency that my family doctor discovered.
It is really important to keep a check on your bloodwork. I even have LabCorp send me a copy of my results so that I can see how everything is going.