TGIF Roll Call
Good morning Delaware from Lower Slower Delaware ! Yes I am back so You guys have to put up with my post again so here goes it !
What is happening this morning ? For me I finally get some time off and my phone is out. Some people will be happy because I am an early riser and have time in the morning to talk, email, ect. It has been out for 2 days now. I have made several calls to verizon with them telling me different things was wrong. Last night they finally said there appears to be a short in my wiring and they will send a tech out this morning. Funny thing is the techs work a block from me. It was like pulling teeth. Now on to the good news. Debbie and I are going on a road trip mother's day weekend to Niagara Falls. There is 8 ladies going. We have booked a hotel over looking the falls ! All is so excited !We bought power passes and will be all over Canada and N.Y. for 3 days. Most of us want to do this Power Boat thing where you get very wet. Debbie says not ME ! She doesn't like boats. We will see. We decided to do an all girl weekend every mother's day weekend with family and friends. No kids under 18. Next year we will go somewhere else. Maybe some of you ladies would like to join us next year. Sorry guys ! Ladies Only ! What is happening today ? What you cooking for dinner ? What are your struggles ? Until Later, See you lighter ! Joanne

G'Morning Joanne...
So good to see you back online. I have been an off and on lurker for quite some time but have been keeping up. Things for me have been hectic but have been trying to keep on track. It's been difficult.
Almost 5 week ago I had a revision of a total hip replacement so i'm still in recovery mode from that. and dealing with the fact that my husband is losing his job and subsequently insurance, as well as replacing a radiator in my explorer so I can actually start driving again. Needless to say my eating hasn't really been the best in the world but the good news is that i'm not gaining... just not losing either.
So today I have made the commitment to get back on track with both my exercise and eating. After I finsih reading the boards i'm going to get a meal plan together and with the help of my hubby i'm going to develop a weight training program. So we'll see if I can't kick start my weight loss again.
I so wish I had been at the last Vistory meeting. I'm so sorry to hear that Faye will not be able to continue as the leader of the group and that it may be in trouble. If anyone hears anything please keep us updated .... would really hate to lose that support in the area. It was seriously the best group around here.
Well, off to clean house and get some stuff done around here. Take care and have a good day.
So good to see you back online. I have been an off and on lurker for quite some time but have been keeping up. Things for me have been hectic but have been trying to keep on track. It's been difficult.
Almost 5 week ago I had a revision of a total hip replacement so i'm still in recovery mode from that. and dealing with the fact that my husband is losing his job and subsequently insurance, as well as replacing a radiator in my explorer so I can actually start driving again. Needless to say my eating hasn't really been the best in the world but the good news is that i'm not gaining... just not losing either.
So today I have made the commitment to get back on track with both my exercise and eating. After I finsih reading the boards i'm going to get a meal plan together and with the help of my hubby i'm going to develop a weight training program. So we'll see if I can't kick start my weight loss again.
I so wish I had been at the last Vistory meeting. I'm so sorry to hear that Faye will not be able to continue as the leader of the group and that it may be in trouble. If anyone hears anything please keep us updated .... would really hate to lose that support in the area. It was seriously the best group around here.
Well, off to clean house and get some stuff done around here. Take care and have a good day.
Kris, Sounds like you have a good plan. You will have platueos. Just stay away from the carb monster. Once he gets you it is hard to break free. I personnally have been aiming on eating fish 2x a week and more non meat protein. I have been eating alot of soup and beans. I love making soup and could eat it everyday. As for fish , I need to learn different seasoning and ways to cook it. If you have any good recipes, please pass them on. Have a good weekend ! See you lighter. Joanne
Good afternoon, Joanne!!
I am so glad it is Friday and a nice one at that!! Working from home today so I will get a chance to get out and enjoy the sun before the crappy weather moves in for the weekend. Was supposed to go to Hershey Park with the kids on Sunday but the forecast is calling for thundershowers and temps in the 50s so I think we are going to bag that. Will have to find something else to do.
For lunch I am having leftover Manwich meat on a salad. It was so good last night I've been looking forward to it all day. It would have been even better on the potato rolls that ther rest of the family had, but I am trying to be good and stay away from the carbs as much as can. Did well last night until after I worked out - then I had some pretzels, half a chocolate bar (it was dark chocolate so it has medicinal qualities), a chocolate chip cookie from McDonalds (wasn't half bad), and a beer! I probably should have just had the potato roll with dinner!
Not sure what dinner will bring. I really want to make homemade pizzas but that may be better on a rainy day. Could have some fish as we haven't done that in a while. I have to see what the day brings.
Have a great day!!
I am so glad it is Friday and a nice one at that!! Working from home today so I will get a chance to get out and enjoy the sun before the crappy weather moves in for the weekend. Was supposed to go to Hershey Park with the kids on Sunday but the forecast is calling for thundershowers and temps in the 50s so I think we are going to bag that. Will have to find something else to do.
For lunch I am having leftover Manwich meat on a salad. It was so good last night I've been looking forward to it all day. It would have been even better on the potato rolls that ther rest of the family had, but I am trying to be good and stay away from the carbs as much as can. Did well last night until after I worked out - then I had some pretzels, half a chocolate bar (it was dark chocolate so it has medicinal qualities), a chocolate chip cookie from McDonalds (wasn't half bad), and a beer! I probably should have just had the potato roll with dinner!
Not sure what dinner will bring. I really want to make homemade pizzas but that may be better on a rainy day. Could have some fish as we haven't done that in a while. I have to see what the day brings.
Have a great day!!
Mike, I have been very frustrated today. The phone was supposed to be fixed by noon. The repairman just showed up. Did alot of cleaning. My TV has been messed up with the phone. What is your favorite way to cook fish? What seasoning ? I have Tuna Steaks in the freezer. I am cooking fresh veal tonight. Making Veal Parm. One of my favorites. I was going to take the kids to Assituge Island tomorrow for Jr. Ranger Day. We went last Sunday. Had a picnic and enjoyed watching the horses. Saw lots of them and one baby deer. We will wait and see what the weather brings. Good to see you on and not just hanging on the mens board. Have a great weekend and make the beer light. See you lighter. Joanne