New York Event
Hi Gang, I am leaving shortly for the Obesity Help Convention in Rye Brook, N.Y. If any of you guys are going look for me. I have been out of commission for a week. My knee has went out but it will not keep me down. I will be putting around in a wheel chair all weekend but I will still be there. Hope to see a couple faces from Delaware. See you lighter. Joanne
Hi I was there this weekend> did you enjoy yourself? I had a nice time. Met some really great people too. Home already I only live 2 hours from rye so it was a quick ride on a beautiful day.
See me in Jan OH page 11, 2010
I am celebrating my 3rd surgiversary today
I have maintained a 135-140 frame from 315# my highest, 200# lost, Gone Baby, Gone

I am celebrating my 3rd surgiversary today
I have maintained a 135-140 frame from 315# my highest, 200# lost, Gone Baby, Gone

Jennifer, I did enjoy myself greatly. Unforunately I had to enjoy it from a wheel chair due to a knee injury but I had a great time anyway. I really enjoyed the fashion show. It was so nice to see everyone feel so confident in their new bodies. We stayed until Sunday and went to see NY city on the way home. We got home late Sunday night. Busy weekwend but lots of fun. Boy 2 hours away, How Lucky were you ? This was my fourth event on the East coast and I look forward to the next one. Hopefully I will see you there. See you lighter. Joanne