My roof
Elissa, Hope you had a Blessed Holiday Too. Mine was good. A Little Sad but I tried to count my Blessings and keep a positive attitude. You are right . I know Bob is looking down on us Smiling. Going back to work has helped pull me thru alot and of course my grandkids keep me going too. Never a dull moment ! See you lighter. Joanne
Joanne, I too had my grandkids ages 11 & 3 for 4 weeks. Nov 9th until Dec 12th. Longgggg story. OMG, I am working 3 jobs, busy being my Mom's caregiver, doing the MomMom thing and trying to take care of a demanding/difficult other half. I thank God everyday for putting me in such good health that I am able to multi-task and not go nuts. Oh by the way I lost 18 lbs. I have been sooooooo busy that I haven't had time to cheat, snack or graze. I have remembered to do my protein drinks, take my vitamins and eat my protein 1st. I guess I have preached it so much I actually do it without thinking.
I know that you need time to grieve your DH. Please call me if you have a need. 302-475-0950.
I am really going to try to get to some support groups again in the New Year. In the interum I've been doing the online Bariatric Eating support groups on Thursday evenings.
I think of you & Debbie often. Stay well. ((HUGS)) Elissa
I know that you need time to grieve your DH. Please call me if you have a need. 302-475-0950.
I am really going to try to get to some support groups again in the New Year. In the interum I've been doing the online Bariatric Eating support groups on Thursday evenings.
I think of you & Debbie often. Stay well. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Elissa, Try to put the Victory group on your list. God works in mysterioue ways ! Sometimes putting us where we need to be at the time or sending people into our lives. I know I could not of gone thru what I have recently 3 years ago. I would of never survived. My faith has made me a stronger person. My complications after surgery taught me alot and now I can sit back and see the reason and how God was really working in my life. I have been thinking alot about what I need to do to get back on track and stay there Read my post of the day to see my plan. Congradulations on the 18 lb loss. It pays to do the right thing and practice what we preach. My phone line and door is always open so please call or stop in anytime. See you lighter. Joanne