Eastern New Life WLS Support Group
We had a very good meeting last night. I am posting now to let all know we are meeting twice a month. The first and third Wednesday of the month. The next meeting will be on September 17th. Oak Orchard Community Church at 7pm. If you missed this meeting you can still make one this month. I will be out of town until the 15th. We will be discussing support for each other , Oh Events and Bashing on the boards. I am so proud of us in Delaware for I have not seen bashing on our state board. I think we are a strong group who love and support each other. Keep up the great job. We should all keep our heads up high and be proud. Always know you are not alone in this journey and reach out to others. You never know who you will touch and they are going thru the same thing. Our meeting last night proved that. If you were there you know everyone there had a command issue. I will not say what it was for what is said at a meeting stays there. I just want to say I think we all know we are not alone no matter what your struggle is. Thank you to all who were in attendance. See all lighter. Joanne