Monday Roll Call
Judy, This is my first one. We planned it a year ago before we even knew Bob was so sick. Everyone is working so hard to make this trip possible for Bob. We know this will be his last vacation which makes it very special. We have never even been on vacation without kids before. I here cruising is the best way to take a real vacation and amreally looking forward to it. I usually do all the shopping for my grandkids which I have guardianship of. I told my son and their mother it is their responsibly this year. I have other things on my plate this year. There is great sales out there. I love a good sale. Saturday I am going shopping for me. I still need that special dress for the cruise. For the captains dinner. They have this cruise to lose every year if anyone is interested. It would really be nice to get a group together to go next year. See you lighter. Joanne