Thursday Roll Call
Good Morning Delaware ! As you can see I am back to normal now. Up early and life goes on. I found 2 really nice wicker recliners at the thrift store yesterday. They were like new and only $25 each. I love the store in Ocean View but you have to get there when they open to get good stuff. Alot of people donate from their beach homes.I was proud that I didn't buy 1 piece of clothing. I did buy Robert a new pair of sandles with the tags still on for $1 and a cran**** cream maker for $1. I am going to try to make egg faces protein ice cream. I am looking for a black formal dress to wear on our cruise in September. Bob's nurse comes today and I am going to tackle the living room. It is suppose to rain so that is a good day to do that. On the way to the thrift store I came across local produce. Cucumbers and my favorite Zucchini 4/ $1. I even got some fresh sunflowers and put a bunch on the deck. I also went by Social Security. I remembered when Bob first got disability I could of got something too but since I worked I couldn't. But now I can't work due to his needs. I run out of vacation and sick leave about 8/15 and can't retire until November So I am checking. They gave me a paper to have his Dr fill out and come back for an interview. We will see. Well enough about my world ! What is happening in yours today? Oh I see how many people are lurking too. A special thanks goes out to those that take the time to answer Roll Call . To the rest of you ! Get on board. This is our site to share. If my boring life can be posted ,share yours. We are all in this journey together. See you lighter. Joanne
Morning Joanne and all.....
Thursday already, where does the weeks go? I am doing well, things are settling down here and looking forward to a quiet weekend for a change. To much has been going on and it's time to get back to normal. I need to get back into my exercise, I do miss it and the time just has not been there, tonight when I get home, I will make a special effort to start a regimine again! That's my goal for the day, even if it's only 20 min.
Joanne you got some great deals, I like the goodwill up in West Chester, PA for the same reasons you do.....great job on your deals.
hey there everyone...... I have slept the last 2 days away,,,yuck. Anyway I have been going out and staying at a friends house until very late or early depending on how you look at it. I am pretty happy i have something to do today...I am teaching cpr and first aid to a day care center tonight...and I get to teach some firefighters a first responder course ( basically advanced first aid) this weekend. I really needed something to do. Next week i get to help with a health care provider cpr class at christiana. I should be back to work on the 28th. When i work i usually work 60 plus hours a week at 3 jobs so this doing nothing is driving me insane. My sleep schedule is so messed up and I had been having trouble sleeping so i started staying up all night . That would be good if it was close to me going back to work since i do 12 hr nights. I have stuff to do yeahhhh.....I also think im going to borders to pick up a good read I have read all mine and have a gift card to use. I may also go to goodwill they have paperbacks for 25 cents.
I have been expanding my eating since im now on soft foods . I have only thrown up twice in the past week and that is the first times it has relly happened so i think im doing well. My calves are cramping but i have a banana im trying to eat to increase my potassium to see if that helps. MMMM I love bananas an im putting peanut butter on it to add some protein.
OK well everyone ENJOY!!!!
Good day everyone! Went to visit my Surgeon, Dr. Wynn, today and got cleared to go back to work on Monday. I'll be working 4 hours per shift for 2 weeks to see how I do. I asked about the left side pain and was told that I am one of the few that has this. Evidently the tubing repositions itself and rubs and causes the pains I've been getting. Stopped at the gym on my way back home (South of Magnolia) and reopened my gym membership (since it's been 8 weeks now) and met the new Personal Trainer that I can't afford at this time but he assured me he'd show me the exercises to get my core in shape. Agreed the 2-3 miles that I've been walking 5-6 times a week is a great start! GREAT deals ya got there Joanne...but I think I can beat ya with my yard sale deal of the I got a beige, leather (not fake leather) Lazy-Boy Rocker Recliner that the couple was just tired of. It's like new for dadadada...$25.00! That has been my deal of the Summer. Gonna see Miss Heather tonight have a few sets of scrubs for her! Everyone be blessed with less!
Char aka/ DelawareBandita! 0;-)
Char, Congradulations on your clearence. I remember that day so well. Yes you did get a great deal. It goes to show deals are there. You just got to be in the right place at the right time.I got to say I love that " Be Blessed with Less". You go Girl !. Heather will be so glad to see you with them scrubs. Do you have a black dress too? Only kidding !!!! See you lighter. Joanne
Hi everyone,
The weather was pretty darn nice today. Today I worked in a cafeteria unit that the clients haven't seen me in a while. I felt like I needed to hang around my neck,
"Yes its me! Yes I've lost weight! Yes I had RNY!"
I got everything from, did you change your hair to OMG I didn't recongize you!
We can almost do the Its Friday dance!!
~Believe in Yourself~
Good evening, Delaware! I am finally coming up for air here, I was offered a part-time temp job and for the past few days I've had to do a bunch of training and paperwork. Of course my home computer setup decides to revolt, my fax machine refuses to fax, and my printer cord has developed a short in it. So I am scrambling around trying to complete paperwork without the right equipment, yet still make a good impression on these people so they hire me again next summer. So stressful.
Not doing so great with the food -- doing a lot of grazing.
I am making an appointment with the county mental health folks to try and get some counseling for my emotional eating, will let you all know how this goes.
OK, back to the grind for me . . .