Husband's Health
My husband has decided to stop Chemo. He did one treatment and got a massive infection which landed him in Christiana Hospital for 5 days. When he went to Beebe he couldn't swallow and was very swallen. His tumor is pressing on his vocal cords so he loses his voice alot. If he turns his head he can't breath. He came home Thursday night on Hospice Care. I have taken FML to stay with him. Debbie is taking all this very hard and is going to the Dr. today for nerve meds. Please keep her in your prayers. He is up and around today and feels ok. He is on a lot of meds. We are taking it one day at a time and making the best of it. see all lighter. Joanne
Deb, Hope you are coming to the meeting Thursday. Hopefully Debbie and I both will be able to come. My husband is doing ok right now. We are taking it one day at a time. Heather and I went to the walk on the capital and came back with lots of t-shirts for all. Debbie is playing phone tag today to get a med her insurance will cover. See needs a day away !!!!! Hope your journey has been a good one so far. Looking forward to hearing all about it. See you lighter. Joanne