Sleep Study in Bear
~Believe in Yourself~
Hi Judy! Thank you so much for your reply! I also feel that this may be a set up....they make you all uncomfortable then say "ok so now sleep" LOL ...just study was done at Sleep Care in Bear...its those buildings behind the Fox Run shopping center...very akward place...but it was kind of set up like a hotel room...We will see what happens...I am pretty sure they will call me back
I too have to have a sleep study - going on 3/12 in Middletown. I don't think I have a sleeping problem either but it's part of getting the clearance and my surgery date is set for 3/31. Dr Guy is also my Dr so I hope get through this but am concerned about all the wires,etc. I am a light sleeper, always have been so sounds like a long night. I'll let you know if I have the same experience.