EmpireBlue Insurance (in Delaware)
Hi Everyone! I was wondering if anyone here who had the lap band surgery has Empire Blue Insurance and is willing to share their experience. I am just starting in this long process, however I wanted to know what I should expect. I was told that I need to complete a 6 month lifeskills class even before being considered. Is there any way to get this time shortened? Also, the cost of the class needs to paid up front before they are even willing to schedule you into a class. Any experiences would be appreciated! Thanks all!
I don't personally have BCBS Empire, but I do believe that everyone needs to take the six month class now, I would highly recommend it as it will be the tools you need to learn to be a great success post -op. I have come to love the people and all the information that is shared during these sessions and would definitely recommend to everyone. As for the co-pay up front, I believe everyone no matter what surgery you have has some sort of out of pocket expense, the justification is yours alone, but I think it was a small price to pay for a rewarding life that occurs afteward. I hope this helps some...