TT and Reduction surgery tomorrow!
Whew, time flies! I'm spending today getting ready for my surgery tomorrow...getting the baggy pants ready, washing the bed linens, packing my meds and vits to take with me. I will be in Wilmington Hospital and my procedure is at 8:30 am. I'm pretty nervous and worried about the pain afterwards. I have plenty of help lined up just as a precaution. My girls can help with dressing changes, and my son will take care of the dogs and the trash, running for me, etc. My DH will help with getting dressed and bathing. I just wish I was rich and had a driver. There's like, a milion appointments this month in our family and I won't be able to drive anyone anywhere. Plus the holidays coming up. I hope I am well healed so I can put on a nice Thanksgiving meal.
Wish me luck and say a prayer for my surgeon Dr. Danyo. KathyG