2-year Postie Challenge Revisted....
I return again. All right. I told you I would be back. There were some early reports so how we doing now? September is over at midnight tonight. Only 3 months till the new year, so how are we doing. Remember, the reason that this challenge is out there for posties over two years is that this may actually challenge you unlike the first 18 months where you lose no matter what you do. For some, the next three months are the demon months. You have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. On top of that a lot of cold and wet weather. How are you going to handle it! Here's my report for September. I got a year older (maybe wiser). I completed my first dualatalon -- 1.5 mile run, 20 mile cycle, 3.5 mile run). I posted my fastest 5k time at the Doggie Doo (Hagley Museum). I ran a 10-miler at Reading with some college kids. This weekend I completed my fourth MS150 Bike to the Bay (Dover to Reheboth and back). Got the two kids back into the college swing. So my wife and I are empty nesters. So how did I do this month. It's too early to tell. I lost 8 pounds this weekend, even though I drank at least 6 gallons of water, ate like a normal person (omlette, shrimp quesidilla, pizza, and three turkey burgers). My BMI is actually 20.5 this afternoon. I'm going to try and gain back at least six of the pounds over the next two weeks. I know men have it so easy, but I work pretty hard to keep my dream alive. Time again to set your energy toward losing 5 pounds by Jan 1st. That's 1 pound a month. Plenty of options on how you can do it. Increasing your exercise. Cardio and weight lifiting. o Swimming or hitting the bike
Life is too short to eat lousy food!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets