2-year posty challenge revisted...
All right. I told you I would be back. There were some early reports so how we doing now?August is all but over. Only 4 months till the new year, so how are we doing. Remember, the reason that this challenge is out there for posties over two years is that this may actually challenge you unlike the first 18 months where you lose no matter what you do.
I lost my pound this month. It was tough. What I realized is that although I have improved my 5k time by seven minutes over the last 18 months, since I was running the same distance I was only running for 28 minutes instead of 35. I added an extra mile to get me back up to 35 minutes and 450 calories per run. With my BMI just below 24, I'm trying to only lose a little but keep the energy high.
Time again to set your energy toward losing 5 pounds by Jan 1st. That's 1 pound a month. Plenty of options on how you can do it. Increasing your exercise.
Cardio and weight lifiting.
Decreasing your calories (only after reviewing your diet with a nutritionist).
Is it time to look at your diet? Your life? Your excuses? Remember that November and December is the downfall for many so you may need to stock up so you can coast in at the end.
Small challenge for some, More difficult for some depending on how close you are to normal BMI.
I plan on running my first Dualathon on Sept 15th at Lums Pond (1.5 miles, 20 m biking, 3.1m to the finish), and then the MS 150 on Sept. 29-30. I also will probably do the 5k Judy Johnson (Sept. 8th) and the Doggie Doo (Sept.22). September is going to be busy. But you should see October. If you commit to something you can accompli****
See you at the finish line for this challenge, although I do plan on checking in once a month to see if anyone is still on board.
Constantly on the move,