help!!!!!!i'm lost for words but not food

bonnie miller
on 8/17/07 5:57 am - newark, DE
gbp 5/25/05....hello all i am asking for your help and support.i was first in and out of the hospital not able to eat or drink and i was so dehydrated they said my veins were completely flat that is was very painful to get a iv started or to keep one going,i cried so much from the pain.then i had 2 hernia repairs also,now all i want to do is eat for my system got so messed up from not hungry then dehydrated,being weak,tired and recovering from hospital stays and 2 repairs.and of course the insurance company had to help also they were putting me out of the hospital so many times too and i was not hardly able to keep my head up off the pillow being so weak and dehydrated w/ fast very fast weight lost then i was so depressed it took several trys for they found the right meds for me and having severe back pain and between the shoulder blades up the neck pain w/headaches too, also my legs are in bad shape knees are bad,one is bone to bone so i can't do too much exerciser for it makes it worse then i down on the bed for several days trying to get better over that.then beats it all they had me try so many drugs for pain that i was up then down then ready to give up.and alot of these meds caused me to binge yes i mean binge.i have gained 61 pounds and i hate body got so use to me binging from meds that it's almost like it was before please help,i need any and all.thank you inadvance. this is what i feel like doing again hiding from the world and myself too. yes i'm still lol thank you all your crazy friend bonnie lol
on 8/17/07 6:06 pm - Millsboro, DE
Hi Bonnie, Do you get your pain meds from your PCP, or WLS surgeon?  If so, stop it.  Get in to a pain management doctor.  I did the same thing you are doing for years on end, with little or no results. It sounds to me like pain is your biggest issue.  If you can isolate the cause of your pain and have that treated, you might get a better result than just popping pills for every little thing.  There are many new techniques out there for pain management and my PM doctor is my newest hero.  I give praise to Dr. Gabriel Somori in Lewes for he was the first and only doctor to get my chronic arthritis pain under control with regular steroid injections and a bit of pain pill therapy.  The injections drastically reduced my need for the pills...I was taking pills like M&M's.  One for pain, one for inflammation, then needed some pills to combat the side effects of the pain meds, sleeping pills, anti-depressants, yada yada yada....All because of out of contol pain.  Thanks to Dr. Somori, I have been about 99% liberated from the chains of chronic pain.  I have lost 115 pounds since my surgery in October 2006 and haven't needed an injection in my back since this past March. Get in touch with a pain management specialist ASAP.  Sounds like your life depends on it now.  Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers for release. KathyG
on 8/21/07 1:02 am - Wilmington, DE
Bonnie hon, you posted about this several weeks ago and got some pretty good advice.  You've got to get off this pity party boat you're on and pull yourself out of this rut!  DO NOT hide from the world.  Come on here and give the support you were giving before.  You seem to do better when you're helping others.  I think it distracts you from your own troubles and enables you do deal with them better.    Get you butt back to some support group meetings too! Take Cathy's advice and go see a pain management doctor and get your self evaluated.  There is absolutely NOTHING we can do to take your pain away.  You've already tried many different medicines and they're not working.  It's time to deal with this and learn to live with it. You CANNOT use the pain as an excuse to not exercise.  You've got to be able to work thru it.  If you can't then having the RNY was a complete waste of time and money.  You can't let this beat you!  You're better than that!  You MUST get out and get MOVING.  Trust me it will get better, the more you do, the more you will be able to do.  Even if it's just walking.  If it's too hot to walk, then go to the mall and walk.  If walking causes too much pain, then get to a water aerobics class.  YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.  There is no magic pill you can take to make this all go away.
on 8/21/07 6:12 pm - Millsboro, DE

Hey everyone, I met Dineen and her family the other day and let me tell you, her picture does not do her justice!  Her face is so much smaller than her picture shows!  She looks fantastic.  Girl, you should post a picture of the newest You! KathyG

on 8/22/07 1:13 am - Wilmington, DE
That picture was taken by Elissa at my first PMRI meeting BEFORE my surgery.  I keep it up because I want to be reminded of where I NEVER want to go again.
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