Our Committment
For those of us who have had the surgery or are thinking of having it we must always remember our committment to ourselves. Its something that is so easily pushed aside. I know I have done it. So what I am trying to do is go through a process of committed time to me again. Life does get busy we do get side tracked but we have to make the effort of setting that time aside to care for us. Its so easy to just say....tomorrow. Planning is a big part of our new life's journey. Plan to exercise, plan to eat good stuff, plan to make time for you, etc. We do need to do other things in life because that is what life is about...doing things and enjoying what we do. So today, remember to do something you like to do....make sure its something healthy for you because with your committment you have decided to take your life to the healthier side...so put down those peeps and pick up some protein. Keep after yourself. We can all do this....many of us have....some of us need to be reminded!
Happy Rainy Day to all of you! My class for Spring is almost over...and I am sitting the summer out and picking up again in the fall. Its been hard trying to get into the groove for school, learn new stuff at work and just keep me going. Glad you are all here to help me along. So lets recommittt and maybe we should do a recommittment ceremony at one of our meetings....Just an idea let me know what you all think
Great post Debbie. It is easy for me to forget about me and where I have come from. So easy to get distracted and forget ''ME'' and what all I have to do to continue on this journey. LIFE huh. Well I am ready to recommitt. When I am number one, boy oh boy do I ever feel better and not so tired and cranky. LOL Let's do this Recommittment!
Take care girl...