2 days post op
Amazing isn't it? We really never know what to expect. I did the liquid diet 2 days pre-op, 2 days in the hospital then 2 days post-op. 6 days total. I was sure I'd never have another bm ever. After eating 1 tablespoon of oatmeal/flaxseed and crushed Actigal for a couple of days, WOW, that end worked normal for the 1st time ever. No more IBS. No more meds, no more loose stools for me. Thank you Jesus. I am post-menopasal so I don't have to do extra iron. I do take a stool softner twice a week just to ensure everything goes smoothly. I eat 3/4 cup oatmud everyday and I can honestly say I love it and so do my bowels. Life is good.
Take this oppurtunity to start good habits and treat yourself to all the benefits of becoming healthy. Stay positive & focused. Post any questions and let us know all those WOW moments. ((HUGS)) Elissa