Hard Work
Debbie this is a great post, one of my favorites from you so far. It is a journey and some days the journey has more curves and hills then we would like it to have. I am still in the "honeymoon" stage of this surgery and I am still seeing the benefits from the surgery. I am also seeing however that the weight is getting harder and harder to get off. This doesn't scare as much as it did when I was still over 200, but it still scares me. I know that my problem is exercise, I am not a fan of this cold weater and walking was my best exercise. I love to get out there and walk for miles just me, my dog and my Ipod. I can't wait for daylight savings time to begin and the weather to get warmer, I am going to get out there and walk and walk and maybe even dance my way around my neighborhood. I am not a fan of the dark since I was mugged once. We do need each other too, I need you and everyone else who is out longer then me, and people who are just begining might need me someday, but we need to keep in mind that we are here for each other all the time. We need to keep this board going. Your posts always make me think and I always enjoy them. I am still playing the game and will be for the rest of my life, I did this for a better life and I have received that, and I want to keep that better life. I can do things that I haven't been able to do in almost 20 years. Next year will be my 25th year class reunion and no one but about 10 people saw me weighing over 300lbs and no one but those 10 ever will. By then I will have my new boobs and hopefully a tummy tuck so I will be looking better....
Thanks for the post and we missed you tonight.

Hey babycakes!!! I've been sick with a stoopid cold and spent the weekend in bed. This is the first time I've been sick in over a year! Unfortunately thi**** me at the same time as aunt flo and because of my low iron, auntie F usually kicks my ass pretty good, but I can at least function during the day and just crash at night. Thursday I was so out of it I caught myself staring at my computer and drooling (I couldn't breathe thru my nose). Needless to say I left work after that! I went in friday morn and just finished up a few things then went home straight to bed. I feel much better today. I start my 2nd to last class tomorrow night (YAY)!!!! Group Dynamics. Should be interesting. It's a communications class with my favorite psych professor. My graduation is May 4th!!!! But my last class isn't over until June 25th. Then I'm DONE DONE DONE!!! Can I just say this has been a Loooooong 6 years! I'm hoping to get back into regular meetings after I'm done. Right now it's all I can do to finish up these last couple of classes. Oh and I'm taking tap dance classes on sunday evenings. I'm dancing in my daughter's recital the middle of May.