Hard Work
Howdy Delaware,
I feel like I am getting back to me again....Lots going on but able to now shine lights on things that need to happen. I have learned that happiness for me comes from completing things and lots of them. The journey for weight loss isn't complete yet although the surgery assistance is. Its something I have to be mindful of all times. Its so easy to get off track, forget the rules, and ignore things just as I have done in the past. As we put it old habits are the easiest for us. Although new habits should only take 7 months to achieve I think the seniority of the old ones still have greater pulll on us....we did them a lot longer. So in order to make our newly habits work, we need to constantly ask ourselves...is this something the "NEW" me would do or is this something from the book of "OLD" me. If you answer the later then you need to analyze what is the root cause of you wanting to revert back to the old me? Is it stress, boredom, worries, goodness? What is it that is really bothering you? Its funny how we learn things....some of us are good out of the gate, some of us (me) need to get kicked a few times but I do come around and then there are some of us that just give up. I don't know why people go to the give up category especially after going through surgery to get the weight off but it does happen. I want to be sure I never hit that category.....I want to be sure none of you do that either. We can all remember life post op....or lack of life as I like to call it. We are doing so much more these days.....the newly post ops are experimenting with foods and exercise to see that they can do....the old heads are doing the same just in different ways. That is one thing I hope you can take from this post is we are all the same....we are just on different phases of this journey but the journey is the same and so are the struggles. For the newbies that haven't followed my threads this is a place where I come to get my thoughts together on my weight issues of life. I try to document my feelings at the time because I know what I feel others are out there feeling them too. I have been so grateful to be able to come here, put done my thoughts, organize them, and work on them with all of you. I realize that I have done a good job, I am not perfect, nor can I be perfect, but I can be diligent and vigalent on making sure I don't go backwards. Sure there will be ups and downs but deal with them as they come. Life is a ball....lets play ball!
Hugs and Fleece Blankets
WOW...great way to start my morning. I love reading your thoughts. You are able to express so many of the things that I am dealing with but I can not write them down as well as you do. It IS a struggle everyday and you can't kick yourself for having a bad day, just remember why you had this surgery in the first place and move on. I know that is sometimes easier said than done. We have to think back to the "before" days and remember that we really wanted and were ready for some changes which is why we researched the surgery in the first place. I keep going back to people saying this is the EASY way to loose weight. If they only knew that each and everyday is a new struggle and we are not just sitting around watching the weight fall off with no effort on our part (well, maybe the first few months we were
I can eat everything without getting sick and sometimes I do
but I always talking to myself about my choices. Sometimes I even answer.
I wish I could make it to the support meeting tonight, but I have another meeting to go to with my husband. Those meetings are where I get my strength and my ideas. We all need to share because as you said... "some of us are good out of the gate, some of us (me) need to get kicked a few times but I do come around and then there are some of us that just give up." I don't want to be one that gives up either.
Thanks for getting the brain pumping this morning.
Stay warm,

You know Ellen, you don't give yourself enough credit...I think you do quite well with the thoughts in writing department. I know what you mean about eating and trying to make yourself pick the right choices. Some days are easier than others. And the others are really nerve racking since we don't want to be where we were and we all know we went there at one time or another. Once I get over school in April I plan on getting back on support band wagon more regular. Its just been tough keeping everything going. I hope to see you soon. Glad you popped in to check out the thoughts.
Its warming up no fleece blanket required!
Its taking me a lot of energy to get me somewhat back to reality. Life is such a weird journey and I guess that is what makes it so interesting. We think we figure things out and things work and all of the sudden poof...not working. Not sure how to fix things. But with time....we find the way to make it work again. I am still struggling to keep at a constant weight and I bet that will be like that for me forever. I just have to make sure there is no more gain. I need to make this a priority and I think I have done that so far. Some how I need to tweak it so I can get the weight off. There is a will there is a way right! Glad you are playing on my team! We can't lose!!!
Debbie, I am like you and need a kick sometimes and I will never give up. Somedays I lose the battle but the war is still going on. Tomorrow is my first day in therapy. I did lose a few pounds this week so I am back in the game. I agree life is a ball and I am in the game with the rest of you all . SO LET'S PLAY AND PLAY FAIR TO OURSELVES !!!!See you lighter. Joanne
Debbie, I really don't know yet if Theropy will hel*****t but I am giving it a try.I will keep you posted. My homework is to keep a jounal on my toughts. I combined it with my eating log. My ideal , not hers. I am looking myself to see if I think differently on days I eat differently. Today Debbie and I went to the boardwalk and walked 2 miles. It was really nice and relaxing walking along the Ocean. We saw parts of the boardwalk we never knew existed. Hope to see you on the 20th at the Victory meeting. Debbie has lost 75 lbs now and almost healed. I am so proud of her. She is my special angel !!!! See you lighter. Joanne