Ok..The military showed us the web site, but all can use it.I'll give you the link and you can check to see if they have your town or somewhere close by you.Click on host site to see if you town is in the state you live in.What this is,is you can buy food from them for only $25.It says it's enough food for a family of 4 for 2 weeks.ANYONE can get this and heck $25 dollars for food to last that long,I'm in.They have a menu of what will be in the box and each month is different!Thought I would share! http://www.angelfoodministries.org/default.asp
Thanks for taking the time to share information Lisa. I used to volunteer for a program similar to this when I lived in San Diego. It was called SHARE. It was also an alternative program to help low income families stretch their food dollars. Sounds like a real help for many. I will keep the information and send it on to anyone whom I think it will benefit. Thanks again!