re: Meeting & Lunch
This Saturday, January 27, at PMRI, there is a very important topic. Understanding your metabolism: weight loss & plateaus. Mtg starts at 10am until 11am. Speaker is Martha Henley. Afterward we can go for soup & sandwiches in Greenville, (Pure Bread I think.)
Hope to see some of the oldies there. Tammy, Linda, GiGi, Deb, Joe, Sandy, Karen, Faye, Mary, Terri, Stacey, Meryl, Kim, Lisa, Penny, Michelle, Ken, Rob, Nicki, Sharon, Pat, Sheila, Denise, Diane, Cynthia, Kathy, Valarie, Dwight, Ellen, Rose, Carol, Bronywn, Diane, Debby, Kathleen and whoever else I missed. I did get 3 bags of ground flaxseed for Denise and whoever else wants 1.
See you there. ((HUGS)) Elissa
Syndi, I can get you copies of any handouts. I do go to 2/3 other mtgs a month. If you can make it to one of these I can give it to you. If not you can email me your address so I can put it in the mail.
Hope to meet you someday. How's it going? Looks like you celebrated your 1 year anniversary last week!!!! ((HUGS)) Elissa