50 mile / 5,000 pound challenge: Week 3...

Rob S.
on 10/22/06 5:39 am - DE
Hello Delaware! Well, week 3 of October is over. How did you do? It's time to report. So report your progress for the week and look at your goal for the month. Did you procrastinate? I was under the weather most of the week, and had to put in a lot more time at work, but still managed to get to the gym and do some exciting things. Here's my report for the week: Previous Month (September): 103 miles, no lifting Week 3: 14 mile [running], 50 m Spinning Month to Date (October): 47 miles [avg. 11.5 minute mile], 161m Biking/Spinning, 21,500 pounds (4 body pump classes), 45 laps in the pool (slow)] Percent of Month Elapsed: 75.0% Percent Achieved vs. 50 Mile Goal: 94% Percent Achieved vs. 40,000 Pound Goal: 54% Goal for Week of 10/21/06:20 miles, 10000 pounds Today I ran a 10k race up in Philadelphia over the Ben Franklin Bridge. I finished in 72 minutes. It was painful but at least I finished. Running over the bridge was exciting. So these miles count to week 4.
on 10/22/06 11:49 am - North Wilmington, DE
Tis a pitiful week for me.....I only broke 10 miles this week. No weights...Next week will be a better week! Debbie
on 10/25/06 2:54 am - New Castle, DE
I am with Deb, last week (10-16) was horrible. I only ran 10 miles and I was not feeling well all week. And this week has been worse. I have a head cold, migrane and just been sick. Home from work for 2 day. The only thing I concentrated on was drinking my fluids since the thought of eating mad me sick to my stomach. I am going to try to go for a walk today but it all depends on how exhusted I am from work today. I guess this is the price for my hectic schedule. I will be back on the wagon as soon as I can. Carolyn
Rob S.
on 10/25/06 4:55 am - DE
Only ten! 10 is great. Remember how every day used to be horrible. Now at least we have a little more control of our bodies. I have jury duty tomorrow, so I've really got to push myself to get to the gym tonight. When you work for a small company, jury duty is really terrible because I still need to put in a full day's work, so I'll probably be working past midnight. Maybe the judge will be sympathetic to my plight, or maybe I can have a dumping session during the trial and get excused. Rob
Elissa H
on 10/26/06 4:59 am - Wilmington, DE
Rob, Let me know how you make out with jury duty. Last time I brought my food and protein drinks with me. I was there for the 1 day only, and was not picked for any trials. I understand in the past month the rules have changed & you can't even take water in. It is taken from you at the door along with cell phones. This would suck with our need to eat and drink so often. I wonder if this would disqualify us from serving? How'd ya like the drill Sgt in the jury room? She's has quite a personality!!!! I wouldn't want to **** her off. LOL. TT ya soon. Elissa
Rob S.
on 10/26/06 11:28 am - DE
Hey Elissa, Yes, I served my duty today. The drill sgt. was a hoot! Made the whole event entertaining. You are no longer to take food or drink into the court house. There are no exceptions! I actually endured my first day in three years without one of my famous protein smoothies. They do allow you to buy water and snacks inside the jury waiting area. The water was fine, but there were absolutely no snacks that I could tolerate so it was a long day. The cafeteria did have salads, and since I actually knew one of the staff she made me up a special and didn't even charge. Getting back to sarge. She was so funny, repeating everything three times so you had to pay attention. She is worth price of admission and the aggravation of having to give up a day's pay. So I spent the whole day there, walking to four different courtrooms. Three were pleaded out before the jury was selected. The fourth one, I was excused by the defense lawyer. I think he was looking for additional sympathetic females for his jury. Who cares! I got to leave for home around 4pm, so I had a quick protein smoothie at home and proceeded to the gym where I ran 5 miles... Since I still had energy after that and felt like I had been sitting around all day, I also participated in a one-hour BOSU class. Every step gets better and better, Rob
on 10/27/06 7:32 pm - North Wilmington, DE
To the DUMP! LOL You are too funny! To the gym this AM. Debbie
one twenty five sixty to

on 10/27/06 1:52 am - Wilmington, DE
Congratulations on your 10k race success Rob . Sorry you were under the weather and hope you are feeling better.This was a rough week for me too but I did get my three days in and I did 9-10 miles on the Eliptical and 26,080 pounds on my weight training. I have not been to the gym since last Friday so I hope that I can get back on track over this weekend. Take care and hope to see you soon! Prycey Lady RNY 2/2/05
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