surgery on August 17th!! need some help
I did not prepare a lot of food you can only eat 1 - 2 oz at a time. I had prepared soups and pureed them and frozen them in ice cube trays. I probly froze 6 ice cube trays of soups that I had made and 1 tray of pureed turkey. I used the leftovers from family meals that way I had a varriety of tastes. I made oatmeal for breakfest every morning for a month. I did very well with a purreed patato soup with on soup of unflavored protein powder in it. The spices hid the taste of the protein powder.
Dineen was right your taste will change that is why I suggested blan. You will know what you are craving as far as spices go. I wanted intese flavor after the first week or two, and I craved salt.
I know you do not want to hear this but you will know when you have eaten to much or to fast. Since my oldest was in Kindergarten when I had the surgery I still had baby spoons in the hous. I used baby spoons and crab forks to eat with for the first 3 months. That way I ate slow. And I know when I was full without much discomfort.
You need to just find what works for you. I have two small kids and having everything prepared in advance was my saving grace. I hope this helps you on your journey.
Congradulation on the beggining of your journey.
Carolyn's right! I forgot to mention the baby spoons! I actually gave them as gifts to friends who had their surgeries after me. I also craved the spices (still do). I figure that since I wasn't eating much I wanted the benefits of the full flavors. I now LOVE Indian, Middle Eastern & Mexican foods! I could eat at Ali Baba's every night! LOL Mmmmmm bring on the curry!!!! And yes you do count your protein drinks as fluids too. But you should also count them as a meal since most are fairly high in calories.
I usually do 2 scoops of Nectar Iced tea mixed with crystal light peach iced tea in 24 oz of water. I count it as my afternoon snack (48g protein & 190 calories). I sip on it most of the day but try to have it finished by the time I leave work at 5.