On the Road to Normal
Its funny more and more these days I think of the word NORMAL. It never occurred to me before that NORMAL is an acceptance factor for anything in life. Its a measurement that we say we are good. When we say we are FAT I guess we are saying we are bad. I am heavy still and wonder if this is FAT or is this NORMAL? How do you make yourself believe that where you are is in fact where you have to be for your body type and you? The BMI charts aren't real even the Dr's tell us that so what is an accurate measurement for us to know we are NORMAL? Its nice to have a few minutes to myself to reflect on my journey. Grams journey is winding down but mine is still going and I must find the road to NORMAL. I hope you will all help point me in the direction or tell me what store I can buy the map. I have to say I like myself more these days....I am not totally comfortable with myself...that is that darn perfectionism kicking through all the time. I feel I have more to lose and right now I am not.....I have things I have to do to get me there but other restraints such as taking care of Gram in her last days. But I have to have time for me....I have to stay with my journey even with other things that are going on because in life we have to bounce many balls. And juggle them well.
Debbie, Don't we all wish we knew where that store was !!! Can they put one at the outlets ????? I think normal is different for everyone. Is there even normal in anyone's life? Normal is always being compared to someone or something. God made everyone of us different in some way. Normal is only what is normal for us. I still have 30-40 lbs to lose before I will feel normal to me( not the BMI chart). Everyone was not made to be small. Do you know the average size of a women is size 14? Is that normal? You will get lots of oppinions here. I would love to be a size 14 myself. Look at where you came from and then think about normal. Are you closer now? I know I am and I am far from normal for who? I once told a friend I just wanted to be able to eat normal. What is that? Do any of us really know ? For me it is being able to eat without worrying that I ate a calorie to much and might put on a lb. I know I will never be able to eat like that and I will always have to watch what I eat for the rest of my life along with juggling many balls well. Take care !! See you lighter. Joanne
I find "Normal" boring! I wanna be "Abbie-Normal"! It's much more fun!
Oh, were you talking about weight? Well in that case, I will never see normal (Unless I get sikt or sumpin!). "Normal" for me is between 130-140. Yeah right! Over 40, post childbirth-pre menopausal, nevah gonna happen. I accept that I will always be considered overweight. I am a realist!
I agree with the above... I'm still obese, so I'm not "normal". I thought I'd like to be "skinny or thin". Don't think that's going to happen. But the truth is.... I am happy. I am content. I realize that I am not perfect, I realize that I can work my program better, but I am truly content with myself. I - L I K E - M E !
Hoping God blesses you for helping Grams with her journey and hoping that you find that you are "CONTENT" even if you are not what the Dr or someone else gauges as "NORMAL"
So what you are saying is NORMAL is what we believe normal is...to hell with standards....I like that thinking. Now if I could get the mind in gear to totally like me right now....I like me but always think I can improve. Which can be good and can be bad.....We will work through this problem like we have others. Thanks
PS. So are we still smoke free? How many days is it now?
Hey Debbie,
I understand how you feel when you say you don't feel normal. Although I know that I am more normal than I have been since I was about 12 or 13 years old I still don't see myself as normal. My mom says I look too skinny but I still don't feel normal yet. I guess the $100,000 question is: what is normal? When we are obese for so long because we are looked at as "abnormal" by others once we lose the weight we have to fix our minds to recognize that being obese is not because we are abnormal and begin to treat obesity like the disease it is which robs people of health and hapiness. I know one day our minds will reach that threshold of contentment because we have been normal all along with the exception to our battle with the disease of obesity but we have allowed society's "abnormal" view of obesity to shape our thinking. Take care and hope to see you soon!
Prycey Lady