F is for
Friendships....I have met so many wonderful people on this journey and the friendships never seem to end. It is also for the STAR of the month....Faye! I am so glad I was able to give her a wonderful anniversary present! Mr Star is happy to have moved along.....He was getting a bit bored here on my table. I guess that kayaking trip out West spoiled him.
Debbie, When you said they tell us not to use the F word a story comes to mind. A friend of mine was driving her kids and another church members kids to school. She over heres this conversation going on between the kids and one of them says we aren't allowed to say the 4 letter F word. Ok she gets worried now thinking her kid had cursed. Then finally she heres one of them say the 4 letter f word. ( Fart) . How well we know that 4 letter F word. Take care, I just had to share my out of the mouths of Babes. See you lighter. Joanne