

bonnie miller
on 5/24/06 10:48 am - newark, DE
I was wondering if anyone has heard how joanne was doing after her surgery I have been on the go so much I haven't heard one thing.Please if you know anything let me know,ok.Thank you so much.Also remember my daughter in prayer too she just had surgery on her leg and she is doing good,but as soon as it heals up the othe leg has to be operated on.Also remember debbie ross who needs your prayers too the last I heard her dad turn for the worse and my husband took a message for me from debbie that her dad has passed away.Send the love.Thank you your friend bonnie
on 5/24/06 8:22 pm - North Wilmington, DE
Thanks for remembering everyone Bonnie! You are truly a good support person. And what we have always needed in our lives is support for ourselves. What surgery did they do on your daughter? Debbie
on 5/25/06 5:35 am - Millsboro, DE
Bonnie, I have tried to call you several times to see how Vicky was doing. Linda has also tried to call you. I am doing fine. I got my drains out Monday and get my staples out on the 31st. I just pray I stay together this time. Dr. Granett feels I will but says there is no guarantees. I have faith that God will pull me threw. I spoke with Debbie yesterday. Her father is being buried tomorrow. She is holding up good. This is never an easy time so does need all prayers. I was dehydrated the day of surgery and needed a blood transfusion the next day due to my blood pressure dropping but all is well now. Went thru Hell the day before surgery at work and that was the cause of the dehydration but that is another story. See you lighter. Joanne
bonnie miller
on 5/25/06 8:14 am - newark, DE
Hello joanne sweetie so so sorry I haven't been home I have been on the run and I was thinking of you and linda and debbie.So glad your surgery is done,now it is time to heal.I know God will surely see you through all this just hang in there sweetie,is there anything you need or want please let me know o****pt on telling vickie I wonder how joanne is doing and of course she was thinking of you too.Vickie is coming along good still in pain but at least this leg is done for now and as soon as it heals up the other leg will have to be operated on.They said the tumor was bigger then what they thought when they opened her up they had to cut her more but at least it is off her now.So I pray for you and vickie to have a speedy recovery and I pray for debbie and her family as there going through this sad time,bless her heart she even had to put her little dog to sleep.I wish I could take all the pain from her.Hope to see you guys soon take care and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.Your friend bonnie
on 5/28/06 12:28 pm - felton, DE
hi joanna it good to see you are doing good. been thinking of you. glad every thing went well. see ya on line ole belinda
on 5/28/06 10:23 pm - Millsboro, DE
Belinda, It is nice to hear from you. I must say I am guilty of not being on here as much as I use to. I am trying to do better. Hope all is well with you. Any new news? I get my staples out on Wednesday and can't wait to get back on my bike. See you lighter. Joanne
on 5/31/06 11:30 am - felton, DE
hi jo yep got new news i went and saw the nurse practitioner amd saw the psycholgist and all went well there. i go for my egd tomorrow june 1st not looking forwd to that but hey got to do what you got to do right.start my dietitian classes june 6th and only have 3 of them then the dr and ill be all done i hope so by the middly of july ill be all dont i hope and they can get on with it and asked ins for aproveal. ok enoght of me glad your back see ya lighter ole belinda
on 6/1/06 6:07 am - Millsboro, DE
Belinda, Glad to be back and so glad about your news. You are on your way to a whole new life. See you lighter. Joanne
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