May be controversial - Carnie Wilson
Has anyone heard about Carnie Wilson joining VH1's Celebrity Fit Club??? How can she profess to be a role model for gastric bypass patients when she's obviously failed at keeping the weight off. Yeah, I know she had a baby, but in my opinion, that's no excuse. During her pregnancy she gained back almost half of the weight she'd lost, admittedly by not exercising and eating too many carbs (ETonline, 8/4/05), she tried to lose the weight with the help of a personal trainer, but that didn't work. Now she's trying this new gimick...some poster child.
I usually try not to voice my opinions when they are this negative, but this really burns me up. We have enough stigma on us, first being fat, then because the media has begun labeling WLS as the "easy" way out, now our self proclaimed poster child is using this gimick to stay in the limelight and try to get back to where she was before having a baby. Many of us who can't afford the type of support Carnie can are working the program and have had great success. I know there are people out there who had the surgery around the same time as she did, and remain successful.
I just had to vent, please feel free to flame away.
I was wondering what happened to her. She was so verbal when she was successful with WLS and then she got real quiet. It is ok to slip and I hope it doesn't happen to me, but I don't know what will happen in the future. She should come clean and show that even famous people can make regressions. You are right, us common folks do not have the money to go from thing to thing.
Just my two cents worth.
No flamage from me.
I know people have the right to remain private in their struggles if they so choose, and I completely respect a celebrity's right to a private life. HOWEVER, when you advertise your surgery and wave a banner, put your face on vitamin bottles, encourage others to have the surgery you have had ( then also encourage them to do as you say not as you do,in my opinion anyway ) you have opened that door and opened yourself to the criticism that lies behind that door.
You are correct in your observation that most of us do not have the luxury of the funds and opportunity she has available to her. Personally I wish she would just come forward and say " I am human, I have food issues, this surgery is not a cure all and I'm here to show you that" Then, work her program. I'd have a lot more respect for her. Even moreso I hope she uses Celebrity Fit Club as a vehicle to show the pitfalls AND the benefits of surgery. I think in the long run in will be a setback though because people will never take her "dieting" seriously and say she has an unfair edge.
The stigma against the surgery is still there, getting a bit better, but still there none he less. All it takes is one very public person to screw things up for hundreds of deserving, commited people that have every intention of following the rules.
Celebrity irritates me anyway really. I think Britney should stop having babies, Tom and Katie should just shut UP already and Brangelina can head for Africa and stay put. LOL
I agree with everyone that has posted a reply thus far. I think Carnie is using this exposure to re-invent her career which has floundered considerably since all the notariety she gained having WLS. Unfortunately, some celebrities make fortunes off the general public who tend to idolize them, which I think is WRONG anyway. The WLS community should just write her off, and look toward other celebs who have had the surgery and are mindful of the impact they have on the general public (i.e., Al Roker, Star Jones among others) and who are not trying to capitalize on their success. No one should ever consider having a procedure such as WLS just because someone else did it - it's a very personal choice that should be made by the individual alone.
LOL, Joni. I see your point. Actually, I don't give CW that much power. Have you ever seen a post on the main message board about her? There would be 100 replies by now. Something about her really gets in peoples craw - OR - they think she's a
God of some sort.
No need for flaming...
PS If you do post on main mb, put on protective gear!