Aches, Protein, Water, and Sugars
It is good to get logged in again! Darn computer went onfritz and I couldn't remember my password etc etc...
Issues Issues Issues for me.....
1) My belly seems to ache all the time. When I eat, when I don't. When I dring, large or small amounts. Sometimes even when I am lying around.
I am 5 weeks post and don't know what to do. Dr.'s did another EGD yesterday and said ulcer. However I thought ulcers were more stabbing type of pain and not aches. There were no strictures either. What's a guy to do?
2) How do yu folks get your protein in???? I do good to get 20 grams a day and that is pushing itnow. I can't do the drinks. Just won't godown. I started out ok but have moved on to terrible. Looking for ideas.
3) Water, this is something else Ihave to start tracking. I do not think I am getting enough water in. Although I do seem to live off of sugar free popcicles. I would understand if my pouch/stomach area hurt when I ate but not when I drink. Ideas?
4) When looking at the nutritional label I have started noticing sugar alcohol. I had never seen this before. Do I need to count these grams as well as the sugar grams when eating something? What is thediffernce and what does itmean to those of us who have had gastric by pass?
I know I seem like a whiner but I have been looking for answers and my friends here have always helped and usually had the answers that I need.
Also, I am down 36 poundsfive weeks out, I guess this is the positive side of all the issues I am having.
I keep praying that all will get better.
For protein I use cream of wheat with 8oz of skim milk and a scoop of unflavored protein powder, all soups I add cheese, jerky (high protein) peanut butter,seafood is high in protein. If you can't drink the protein drinks can you drink the Hot chocolate protein drinks with a little bit of SF cool whip? I add the protein powder and I happen to like Unjury but you may like something else I add it to everything, soups, cream of wheat, oatmeal, etc. Protein helps with your energy levels. SF popsicles, Crystal lite,ice chips,decaf tea and or coffee can count towards your water intake. Sip all thru out the day and night to get your amount in is what I do and I know its not easy. Hope that this helps....
Hi Gary,
Welcome to the wonderful world of RNY. I wanted to share some of the things that have worked for me. They may not work for you but they have worked for several people.
Protein intake. One of the primary ways that I get protein in early in the morning is Oatmud. This consists of microwaving 1 package of oatmeal with 1/2 cup of lite soymilk for 90 seconds. Then you add 1 scoop of regular unjury, 1 tblsp of cinnamon, 2 tblsp of flax seed meal, 1 pkg of splenda and 1/3 cup of pumpkin granola (trader joes). This gives you about 25 g of protein. Oatmeal (unlike cream of wheat) and cinnamon lower your cholesterol, and flax seed meal and soy milk are great antioxidants. I have only missed oatmud for breakfast five times since my surgery. Breakfast has become my favorite meal of the day. My oatmud recipe is actually going to be included in a book being written by my nutritionist and physical trainers. Try it, if you like it great, if you don't nothing lost.
The second way I have to get much needed protein intake other than meats and seafood, is my homemade smoothies. I have tried many drinks but most have a serious aftertaste, chalky taste, or just are not tolerable. I have been doing two of these per day since my surgery and have never had problems with protein levels on my blood work. One of my smoothies (I use the magic bullet to make these) is an Orange - Pineapple smoothie. It consists of 1 scoop of regular Unjury or pineapple-flavored Nectar protein powder, 1/3 cup of frozen pineapple, 3/4 cup of lite soymilk, 1 tblsp of flax seed meal, 2 tblsp. of Better than Peanut Butter (trader joes), 1/4 cup of Orange davinci syrup, and 1 to 1 1/2 cups of crushed ice. This is more than 25g of protein also. If you have ever had an Orange Freeze from Charcoal Pit, this is a great alternative. Same consistency. I make up my smooties in the morning and have them for my snacks during the day.
Water. If you don't get that pure water in you will get dehydrated. This will lead to a loss of energy plus other problems.
Sugar alcohol. Need to watch out for these hidden carbs. If you read the label some people cannot handle sugar alcohol.
Fiber. You didn't mention this one but I thought I would mention that you need to keep pushing fiber in your diet so that your system keeps moving. Usually if you are not moving (constipated) you can blame a low-fiber intake. The flax seed meal helps to keep your system moving.
Exercise. Don't put it off. Get started ASAP and don't make any excuses for missing it. It will see you through this journey and guarantee your success.
Your doing great. Keep working on your protein intake, water consumption, vitamins, and MOVING, and you will do fine.
Just sitting around bored out of my mind,

Your OATMUD sounds like something that I have been doing some mornings. I use the instant oatmeal then add the unflavored unjury, and 1.5 cups of skim milk. Since I needed to be on a pureed diet I have kept the oatmeal at a very liquid state. I can even reheat it later if I do not finish. With the weight control instant oatmeal it adds more fiber and protein. I get almost 41 grams of protein from this. I'll try to make the shake/smoothie tht you mentioned.