Stomach Charlie Horse?
Okay guys has anyone had something like this? Man I doubled over yesterday when I was putting my sneaks on.....It was like a very severe cramping.....I walked it off but now its still bothering me.....Its almost like a pulled muscle type feeling...Yes I did go exercise afterwards I guess I shouldn't have done that. I never had a charlie horse in the stomach before but that is exactly what it felt like. What would cause something like that in that region? I know in the leg its circulation....Anyone else have something like this?
I am going through that now i was 12 days post op lap band on 4/29 and started with this ungodly pain in my abd and it has gotten worse i have seen the doc, had a ct scan and we have decided i pulled the muscle that my port is anchored to. finally after spending almost 2 weeks now of doing nothing no bending, no lifting, JUST living on the sofa i am finally having some pain relief. i was supposed to go back to work last monday now i am out another week or until i feel up to it. they told me the only thing to help it is to rest it. hope yours doesn't get as bad as mine. they say it happened because i did too much too soon i startd walking a mile a day 7 days post op. take it easy and i hope it gets better.
I guess exercising after I had this didn't help. I did some weight training and aerobics and perhaps that is why I am still sore today. Good to know others are getting this weird sensation. So I guess its a normal ache and pain from RNY. I will have to learn to deal with it. It was weird how it came on because all I was doing was tying my sneaker.
where their is muscle...pulling it or tweaking it alittle is always a possiibility....i have had tummy muscle pulls they are usually not as bad as hamstrings or biceps, they are in a region that will effect your movements more because their are less supporting cast like tendons and ligaments surrounding them....mine happened same way...tieing my sneaks, it seemed they come..they hurt and they tend to go away...thats how they work with me it is usually when i sit and move down at same a swooping movement by that time it is too, my spin would be due to weight loss and the way i am built ..the muscle region is not in a tight placement meaning the movement of bending over tends to catch a muscle out of place a little due to the surgery and new alignment and excess flab in my tummy t area....i hope my spin helps ya figure it out
Hmmm....interesting. This sounds like something I should complain to about to the Plastic Surgeon and any other Dr that will document the problem for me. It makes sense what you are saying but the pain was as severe as the leg cramps.....Man I was not ready for that at all. Feeling better today. Didn't do any weight lifting or sneaker tying for a day! Thanks