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on 6/2/04 1:01 am - the woodlands, TX
Topic: Any plans this weekend??
I'll be in DC/Arlington, VA this weekend & was wondering if yall were having any kind of get togehter.... Please let me know if so... I am leaving here Friday at noon.... This board is so quiet
on 6/1/04 4:21 am - St. Paul, MN
Topic: How is it going after five years?
Hello, Many of you have am I now.. would I do it again.. etc...? I was terrified to have surgery. When the doctor made it to the hospital, she looked at me.. checked the chart and said, "let's go" She could see the terror and did me a favor by knocking me out ASAP. It was very painful, very difficult at first, but after about a week, I was feeling better every day. I had my major, "Oh my God what did I do?!" cry. As I was losing, I was wanting to do more. The first month I was literally exhausted. I wanted to do more, but my body wanted to sleep. It was still healing. The more I lost, the happier I was that I did do the surgery. I hadn't found AMOS until I was about 4 weeks post op. I had no clue what was going on. I didn't know it was called an RNY, or what distal and proximal were. My surgeon quickly explained, but I still didn't understand. I learned a lot from AMOS. When I first found the site I mainly lurked in the chat room learning all I could. They also had a doctor come in for live Q&A sessions. I read a lot there and asked a few questions of my own. I was a slow loser. Not losing much for a year, but then losing quite a lot again, after three years was it? You can read my disappointments and depression as I thought, this is it, I'm one it won't work for, I'll always be MO. When I started losing again, I started to do things like take my younger son to the park. Go down the slide w/ him on my lap. Go up the playground equipment, right behind him. Things I'd only seen other parents do when he was two. Him and I have been bike riding together, last year... after he taught himself to ride a bike. And when him and I race.. you bet I win! Something I only dreamed of w/ my older son. My teen... we were shooting hoops together. Both my boys, I can go to their schools and sit in their desks.. and not take the desks w/ me when I go to stand up. I don't have to be afraid and want to leave right away. I don't have to fear that I'm a total embarrassment to them. I'm in school. I'm working, for AMOS, plus a few of my own clients. I can bend over and tie my shoes. I can fit into bathroom stalls.. and take care of my own hygiene while in there. I'm not bawling out of total frustration. Friends and I remember when I couldn't fit behind booths, when my rear couldn't fit on stools. I see myself walk towards a glass door, or walk by a store window and realize, "That's ME and I look OKAY!" After almost five years, I STILL don't drink with my meals. I drink before, but then always wait, out of habit for that 45 mins. I don't like hamburgers or greasy foods much. I do drink diet pop, but I haven't like sugared pop since before I was 16. And when my surgeon found out I was drinking diet tea.. she still informed me.. "take all the liquid out of sugared pop and you have half a can of sugar." YUCK! My friends still hear me say, "I've gotta have my protein." I have never done this w/ powders or bars. I've done it w/ cottage cheese, tuna (13 grams per serving each), meats.. cheese (but not in excess). I have done a protein bar on occasion when I'm in a hurry, but usually, it's beef jerky, turkey jerky (I love to make that myself), thinly sliced chicken.... I'm always thinking of protein. I do have chocolate at times (a neighbor who's about to have an RNY caught me w/ two Hershey Kisses last week). I will order the apple crisp w/ caramel, but then, most of it goes to a friend or my kids. If I want to taste it, I let myself taste it. If I eat too much, I still get sick. I don't dump as I used to, but I will get real tired and have diarrhea when I've indulged too much. Sometimes I'm "blessed" w/ the pain that goes w/ it, but not often. When I eat that one bite too many, I want to roll up and die. And after five years out, the amount I can eat, is usually about 3/4th a Sandwich. Sometimes, just half and the other half goes to a friend. The years I've been here, I've heard of many revisions from VBG to RNY. I've been asked if RNY is reversible. Honestly, why would you want to reverse weight loss? I want this to be permanent. I don't ever want to go back to the way I was. Back then, I asked myself, "when will it end? When I'm 400#, 500# or more?" I was terrified. I can't make decisions for you. This is totally up to you. I'm having Plastic Surgery on the 9th of June to remove excess skin form stomach and upper legs and thighs. Again, I'm terrified of the pain. But, that too will pass. This was the best thing I could have done for myself. If this is the route you choose, I do honestly believe that this is the best thing you'll ever do for you. Good luck and love ya all! :kiss:
B. McCoy
on 5/24/04 4:52 am - Columbus, OH
Topic: Wheeling West Virginia Event.
Wheeling West Virginia Obesityhelp Convention Date: Sunday June 6th, 2004 Location: Wheeling, WV. Ramada Inn Ballroom 1200 Market St. To register: Time: Noon - 9:00 pm. Sunday June 6th, 2004 Registration Noon - 1:00 pm 1:00 - 2:00 pm Lunch served buffet style. 2:00 - 3:00 Session I {welcome OH chapter events} 3:00 - 4:00 Session II {Post-op speaker} 4:00 - 5:00 Session III {Physician Bariatric surgeon and Plastic surgeon} 5:00 - 9:00 Dj and Dancing. (Reception) Cost $24.00 per person. Includes meal, tip, parking etc. Buffet dinner includes: Soup selection Shepards Pie or other beef selection. Baked Fish Salad & Bread Vegtable selections Cheese selections Sugar free cheescake Coffee, tea, water. Recent quotes from our other regional events: "It TRULY was a good weekend...wonderful to meet everyone and share info and experiences" "Thank you for allowing me to be me." "The bond amongst 'US' is incredibly strong and I am blessed to have had the pleasure of spending the weekend with all of you" "I sit here with tears in my eyes overwhelmed with all the love that was shared this weekend. You people were so kind to me and made me feel so good about myself." "This weekend allowed me to make up my mind to have surgery..I cannot wait to join the other side." You don't want to miss this wonderful regional event! Register today. Thank you for reading. Bo McCoy Outreach Manager [email protected]
Valerie Renee
on 5/23/04 8:34 am - New York, NY
on 5/20/04 9:52 am - St. Paul, MN
Topic: Approval Forms :deal:
Hello Everyone! :wave: I hope all are doing great! It's been a busy time for us at Photos Department. :juggle: I have wonderful volunteers who are willing to always help try to keep the lag up for how long it takes for you to get posted after you email in. I thank all my volunteers for the great job they are continually doing and I thank all of you for your continued show of patience. :clap: I am writing this particular note for an appeal for permission forms. :deal: If we have yours we can add you to things like our Magazine. And those whose photo gets added to the magazine also receive a free copy. :dance: If you have a subscription, we'll add the free copy to the end of your subscription. Unless, of course you want an extra copy. There are approval forms in your profile already, or you can email me for one. They need to be printed, signed, then faxed or mailed back to me. Fax and addresses are on the forms. If you aren't able to print, drop me an email with your name and address and I'll mail you a copy which you can then mail back to me. These are sometimes slow coming, as I collect many, then print and mail them all at once, but you will receive one. To find your own printable copy, sign into your profile, then look for Reaching Out... All the instructions are on there. If you need further assistance, let me know and I'll help ya out. Well, I'm back to work. :type: I hope you all have a great day! Love ya! :kiss: Photo Processing Manager - [email protected]
Jennifer ..
on 5/17/04 5:39 am - Washington, DC
Topic: D.C.-Area Plastic Surgeons
My lap RNY was Sept. 9, 2003, and finally, I'm just one pound away from my "normal" weight goal of 150 pounds (at which I'll have a BMI of 25). I'd like to go further (140, which once seemed like such a dream, is now looking a lot more like a real possibility), but I'm already beginning to think about the next step for me. I'm young, and I know a lot of my excess skin will shrink and retract over time. But, of course, there are some areas that need a lot of help. Frankly, I'm interested in pursuing plastic surgery to deal with excess skin on my stomach/belly/abdomen. And, unlike my bypass, which I had in NYC, I'd like to do this locally. I know this next step is a way out for me -- I'll need to be at a stable weight for a while -- but I'd like to go ahead and begin my search for the right doc. I've of course been perusing the local plastic surgeons in the database, but if any of you could chime in with your two cents, I'd appreciate it. If you have had plastic surgery, who was your surgeon? Would you recommend him/her? Why? At what hospital was your plastic surgery performed? Thanks so very much for all of your help with this. Jen.
Ronda E.
on 5/17/04 2:38 am - Tustin Ranch, CA
Topic: Night Time Eating
Do you suffer from night-time eating syndrome, which disturbs sleep, as well as sleep eating? If you are overeating in the evening without sleep disruption, which does not indicate a disorder, or suffer from any form of night eating disorder I would like to speak with you for an article I am writing for a future issue of ObesityHelp Magazine. If this sounds like you, and you are interested in telling your story, please contact me at 866-WLS-INFO (866-957-4636) extension 378. You can also reach me by email at [email protected]. Barbara Bietz ObesityHelp Assistant Editor/Reporter
B. McCoy
on 5/12/04 2:06 pm - Columbus, OH
Topic: Please call-in to support OH in Texas.
Bo McCoy, event manager for ObesityHelp will be on the air live on Friday morning in the Dallas Ft. Worth area. Pleae call the number below to support OH's first national convention. Can't be here in Texas? Well you can help us anyway! AND You can listen online!!!!! and click on the button "Listen Live". This will be 10am central time on Friday. The call in number for those that are listening and would like to comment is 214-787-1990 Pleae make a point to call in. Please lets "light up" the switch boards!! Please everyone...make one call...on Friday...set your OUTLOOK alarms, cell phone, pdas, whatever you got...lets rock TEXAS.....
on 5/1/04 8:03 am - Tx
Topic: Message Board Rules
Some people have been asking for the TOS to be posted again so here they are........... Before posting to the boards, please read these guidelines. We will have these put up for members to read at anytime. However, if you have any questions, please let me know. Before you post, please read and apply the following terms of use: Terms of Use Use a consistent name/nickname NO profanity NO attacks upon beliefs NO personal attacks (including public figures) NO advertisements/solicitations for products and/or services NO private information (postal addresses, phone #'s, etc.) NO re-transmissions of messages, to or from this board NO 'religious' discussions, please! NO website urls/links :deal: (links that go to other pages on are allowed) :deal: Warning for all Guests of our website: By using our Message Board, you agree not to post any messages that are unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, demeaning, mocking, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, or that may be construed as invasive of another's privacy. We assume no responsibility, legal or otherwise, for the content of the messages within. However, our staff will have sole discretion to remove any messages deemed inappropriate by them, without warning or explanation. Repeat offenders may be reported to their ISP and/or banned from this site. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Theresa Cloutier Client Services [email protected]
Joe S.
on 4/30/04 12:56 pm
Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine-Now 6 issues a year!
Now 6 issues a year for the same low price! ONLY $25.00!!:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: In our Spring issue: The Incredible Shrinking Handel By Ronda Einbinder Popular radio show host, Bill Handel has always been open and honest with his listening audience. He shares his moment of epiphany in a candid interview with ObesityHelp Magazine. Life Imitating Life By Michael Genadry You don't want to miss this article! Actor Michael Genadry became a fan favorite on the critically acclaimed romantic comedy TV show "Ed". His real life struggle with obesity and his decision to have weight loss surgery crossed over to his television character. Now, he speaks out about the medias views on Gastric Bypass Surgery and writes an article exclusive to ObesityHelp Magazine readers. The Fear of Dying By Michael Schuhknecht M.D. The fear of dying with bariatric surgery is a good behavior, which should be used to promote positive outcomes and not to dissuade candidates from undergoing surgery. Use your fear to help you and not to inhibit you. All in the Family Sandra Callahan and her two daughters make the journey through weight loss surgery together. Ventral Hernia By Paul Cirangle M.D. What happens if you develop a ventral hernia after surgery? What causes a ventral hernia? Just Believe-Dreams Do Come True Last May, Brinetta Thomas did what would have been the unthinkable when she was heavier. She ran 26.2 miles in the Rock and Roll Marathon for the Leukemia-Lymphoma Societ. Body Contouring after Gastric Bypass Surgery By Don Revis Jr., MD, FACS By applying the latest techniques in body sculpting individualized to each patient's specific needs and priorities, your plastic surgeon can help you realize the new shape that is hidden beneath the excess skin that remains after your goal weight has been achieved... The Second Time Around By Chris Morgan Chris Morgan is 14 years post op and hoping for a revision. Origin and Treatment of Childhood Obesity By Willo Wisotsky, PH.D Childhood obesity is now recognized as a chronic health problem that predisposes to obesity in adulthood. Increasing evidence suggests that there is a progression from childhood obesity to adult obesity........ Closing Old Doors, Opening New By Dana Estrada The doors to health open for Dana after a lifetime of struggling with obesity...... From a size 4x to size 4 By Ronda Einbinder Sisters Dawn and Missy shed their weight with the help of the same surgeon, 2 years apart! Susan Maria's Recipes By Susan Maria Leach Obesityhelp Magazine welcomes culinary enthusiast and author Susan Maria Leach as our exclusive expert bariatric gourmet chef. See her great Before and After recipes! Plus: *Ask the Surgeon* Maintaining a Proper Diet* Support Groups and more.......... For more information, please visit:
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