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Yes they accept medicaid
(202) 448-4080
Providence Hospital
1160 Varnum Street NE
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20017
I just wanted to let people know there is a forum for the community and anyone who is friendly and want to stop by. I was very active 3 years ago and would like to see it become active again. It is listed under "weight loss related"
I am not attempting to offend anyone. I understand that some might not agree with me posting. I am doing it to help LGBT people. Everyone has the right to not agree. I respect that.
Thank You !
If you have trouble finding it just PM me
Thanks! FP
I just registered for the AIDSwalk to raise money for the Whitman-Walker clinic. It's on October 29th at Freedom Plaza. They're also displaying the AIDS quilt (NAMES project) before the walk and there's a 5K that people can register for too (I'm not that ambitious yet. Walking is about as good as I can hope for!). I've been spending the past 6 months since surgery putting my feet where my mouth is and doing walks of things that I'm passionate about. If anyone is curious about the walk or wants to participate, here's the link:
First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11, Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13, (1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.
This year the event is in two locations: Baltimore and Pittsburgh. I’m going to the Pittsburgh one (even though I live in MD, I’m busy the weekend of the 29th but I still want to go!). The tickets are cheapest right now at the advance rate, but there’s only three more days to get that rate for the Baltimore event ****il Oct. 8). For the Pittsburgh one the advance rate ends the 15th. You can check out the details at
The author of Bariatric Foodie is a member of OH, her screen name is Cleopatra_Nik in case anyone wants to PM her for information. You can see what she’s about on Bariatric Foodie. There are lots of recipes there for us post-ops along with other cool stuff. I really like her blog and what she does for the WLS community so I wanted to spread the word about this event. From talking to her, I can tell she really cares about us feeling good about the holidays AND that she wants to bring these events to more places if there is a demand. Let’s show her there is!
Also, I wanted to make sure folks knew about this great event and have the opportunity to buy when the tickets are cheapest!
Looking to help a friend out in need of WLS. She has United Healthcare through Medicaid.
Anyone with any experience with surgeons who take this insurance?
Thanks for your help!!
We've got info...
You will get breakout sessions, main stage speakers, and a Q&A panel!
Information on bariatric surgery, plastic surgery, nutrition, self esteem, relationships, exercise, and clothing advice.
An Exhibit area that has vendors, authors and industry partners that love being a part of the Bariatric Community. This area is full of resources, support, information and free samples!
We've got fun...
You will get FREE photos of you and your friends because Dr. Rajeev Vohra is sponsoring the NY Event Photo Booth! You're going to love it!
A Fashion Show, featuring YOU! (click here for more exciting info on that...)
A welcome meet & greet, a closing party and lots of prize giveaways!
We've got promo codes...
Where? Who? How? (click here for more info on that...)
Or simply use ILOVENY to get in for $40!

Special Notes!
The event ticket purchase includes Friday evening welcome coffee and Saturday lunch. No tickets are mailed; check in is at the OH tables on Friday or Saturday.
This is the last event to get your 2011 OH Event T-shirt! They are men's sizing, not fitted women's. Shirts are $10 if purchased online, $15 if purchased on-site at the event. If you order online - pick your t-shirt up at the event, it will not be shipped. The shirts will be available for online ordering until October 5th, 2011. (Check out the OH Facebook for photos of the t-shirts and some pictures from our last event!)