I need Answers Please!!!
Hi All,
It's that time again. Yes, for me to vent. My support systems are in order, my weight is pulling off fast, but fast in who's eyes? Not mine that is for sure. Oh you look so good, to who? Not me. I know you feel good, No not really. Sure I can eat just about anything and not get sick, at least for now. Be thankful they say, oh but I am thankful.
So what are you trying to say they ask? I am doing this thing because I have no choice at his point I say. But in the meantime can anybody tell me when does it get better. I have talked with my therapist, I have talked with my Lisa C. I have talked with Lisa D. I have talked with Wendy, I have talked with Debbie and tons of others. But when do I feel better I ask.
Now what I need to know is the real deal. I need to talk to someone who is having the emotional difficulties that I am having. I am not sure what is wrong, is it just me, am I the only one that feels this way. I mean I read post after post after post and I hear all the glitz and glamour, but I have yet to come across anyone that has really displayed any real emotional trauma. If you are out there please respond because I need to talk. If you do not wanna tell your story on air please email me privately. I just need to know am I the only person that feels this way.
I can give very good advice, and I can give lots of support and say encouraging things and mean them from the bottom of my heart, but I can not take my own advice, I am terrible at being my own support person. I am not trying to scare and new post ops or pre ops, this does not affect everybody the same, but for me it is beyond anything I could have evr conceived mentally and before I loose my mind I just need to know is it me? Am I the only person that feels this way?
Hello Adrienne.
I really can't identify with you as a POST_OP individual because my surgery is Dec 9th. But, as a PRE-OP individual I can identify with you. You and myself are what people would call "SELFLESS' we think of or self less than we do other. Don't get me wrong we love our selves but, we or should I say I have this heal the world, make everyone feel good attitude. This is a great quality but, it does make it harder for us to accept complimates, advice or just a kind word. Because we are so busy with our superwomen cape on. But, it comes a time when we need to concentrate and learn to accept the center of attention. Don't get me wrong I love attention but, I don't mind sharing it. So, hopefully, I did not ramble but, to sum it up you ARE NOT ALONE.
Life after surgery is not all peaches and cream (to use a food metaphor). Weight loss surgery has not "solved" my emotional issues. I still fight with the food demons. I still want to eat more and eat sweet. And it's still extremely frustrating when I don't look as good as I would like to look.
You didn't specifically say what problems you are having. I haven't lost enough weight yet. Although I've lost enough on "paper" (200 pounds). I am currently unemployed, and have been for almost 18 months. I am miserable about that! WLS won't solve that for me.
I'm still alone. No man on the horizon, but I believe I just need to accept that. Believing that doesn't make the acceptance come any easier.
Anyway, if I've touched on something you'd like to share more about, please answer me or email me privately.