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Topic: RE: norwalk hospital/dr. craig floch??
If you're having the surgery in Norwalk, I noted that other people posted comments saying that Norwalk was very accommodating and brought in a cot for a visitor.
Topic: RE: norwalk hospital/dr. craig floch??
I would have say that you need to talk with the hospital and the unit you will be staying on to see if they allow it..
Best of luck with your surgery,
Topic: norwalk hospital/dr. craig floch??
just a quick question to any of you who've had an overnight stay...was someone allowed to stay over with you??? my surgery is tomorrow and i have to stay till thursday and being alone is NOT something i wanna do. thats the only thing im nervous about.
Topic: RE: Waiting for insurance approval
This is the worst part pre-op. Good luck with waiting and we are all here if you need to vent.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10
Topic: RE: Waiting for insurance approval
The wait is a pain, but, when Lois calls you with the news and date, you'll be thrilled, and then anxious to have it done!
Here's to becoming a BIG LOSER!
Here's to becoming a BIG LOSER!
330+/230/200 (originally got down to 200, but gained 30 back) :-(
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels....." (unknown)
Topic: RE: Good news!
Kathy What fantastic news! Gee and to think I was happy because I am finally no longer overweight. My news pales in comparison. Congratulations we've come a long way baby since January 2008
Topic: RE: Dr. R Groupie
71 lb lost pre-op Abdominoplasty & Panniculectomy Dec 4th, 2009
Congratulations on your pending surgery. Sending good wishes your way.
71 lb lost pre-op Abdominoplasty & Panniculectomy Dec 4th, 2009
Topic: RE: Good news!
71 lb lost pre-op Abdominoplasty & Panniculectomy Dec 4th, 2009
Congratulations to you and your hubby. So excited for the 2 of you.
Congratulations to you and your hubby. So excited for the 2 of you.
71 lb lost pre-op Abdominoplasty & Panniculectomy Dec 4th, 2009
REALIZE Band on 09/30/09 with
Topic: Waiting for insurance approval
I have finished all my pre-op testing and appointments and am now waiting for insurance approval! I am so ready!
Hopfully it goes through quickly!
Hopfully it goes through quickly!