Still dumping!!!!
19months out and I still dump. My dumping is different than everyone elses. I get nausous, heart pounds, and then I need to sleep. it is an awful feeling. no bathroom jaunts for me, luckily.
Kathy and Terri, I am apologizing to you both profusely. I did mean to get to the race. Right after I talked to you, Terri I decided to have breakfast. Somebody on the posts has ff bologna and cheese so I thought I would give it a try. Wrong!!! Wrong!!! Wrong!!! I ate 1 slice of regular bologna and 1 slice of regular cheese. And it did me in. I am still recovering now. It is good news for me(I quess) that my dump meter still works.
But the pics look great and Congrats to both of you. you did a spectacular job!!!
OMG Linnie I feel so bad for you- I just don't know what to say abou teverything you have been thru since I lasted talked to you- it just keeps going and going for you- I hope you are going to get back on the "right side of the nurses' station " as we used to say. (when I worked in psych I swear on bad days I checked to make sure I had my keys- hence I was staff not a patient- like every five minutes...LOL)
You poor thing- i don't blame you fro regret- but hind sight is 20/20 and yes you were aware (probably more so as a nurse) that you could have complications but who the hell ever thinks okay this is what is going to happen to me....
aww hell what a rough road....I hope you feel better, email me sweetie.
Hi Linnie! I wanted to let you know that at going on FOUR YEARS out, I still dump- and with a VENGENCE sometimes. What you ate would give me the exact same reaction. REGULAR bologna??? no way- fat, fat, fat- put the regular cheese in the mix and it's LONG nap time for me. Fat Free- I suppose would have been OK, but I'm not a big bologna fan anyway, so I wouldn't bother.
I dump the same way as you, as do many others I know, so it's not that uncommon not to have the immediate need for a bathroom jaunt. Heart racing, nausea and extreme sleepyness are your body saying- "Uuummm- hello? we don't LIKE this- get it OUT of here!!"
Well, hang in there- Live & Learn, right?
Lisa C