Can someone tell me about bloodclots??????
I think, if I am remembering correctly, that they warned me that if you don't walk around enough post op that you can develop blood clots. And yes, they are life threatning. But proper exercise and a doctor's watchful eye can help aviod that. I seem to remember them always asking me if I felt pain in my legs.
Good luck with your surgery!
I am one of those that acutally developed a blod clot post op. I did not do as much walking around as I should have, but that was due to my oxygen levels being so low post op that I was not allowed to get up on many occasions. Ihad booties on that promoted circulation, but it would have helped if I had the ones that went to my knees.
I was lucky and found that I had a clot in my leg due to increased pain. I was back in the hospital for 3 days and had to self inject myself until my coumadin levels were ok. I am still on the coumadin and hope to be reevaluated since it has been 6 months since the clot incident.
My advice, walk around as much as you can and more, that is only way you will prevent this from happening.