I need you to please pray for my hubby!!!
Dan has been having really bad chest pains and they ran all kinds of stress tests, walking on the treadmill shooting dye into his veins etc. Well we just got a call today from the Dr and the results are in and they are all abnormal and something is wrong with is heart. His sister died at 33 yrs old from a massive heart attack because she was born with a whole in her heart and his other sister has to wear a machine because she has an extra valve in her heart.
SO I am so afraid of what is going to happen. They said he has to go in as early next week as possible to see a heart specialist and the earliest we could get him in was Thursday afternoon. I called the Dr's office back to see what had to be done and they said that they had to have him go to the Hospital to shoot dye into his groin area and watch it go to the heart to see if there is a blockage (they are thinking that because of the abnormal tests) and then if that proves that there is a blockage then he has to have angioplasty (sp) some balloon something or other she said.. I am so afraid because he has already had Leukmia and had to have a full bone marrow transplant, he had cataracts from the radiation and had to have cataracts surgery already and he is ONLY 34. So Please keep us in your prayers. He says he is not afraid but I am sure he must be in someway or another. I will keep you posted.