Any Liquid BP medicine?
Hi I take about 15 pills a day and since the day after sugery I have taken them whole with water and some are really big but have never had a problem. I would just spread them out a little . Be very carefull crushing pills some you shouldn't do that to and even when you cut them you never no if all the med is in one 1/2 you should cut them if they are scored. I would first just try swallowing them. Good luck with your journey
Call your local pharmacist, tell them you had the surgery and ask if they know of any comprable liquid meds....there are alot out there in liquid(I have used them in nursing homes in the past)...besides the pharmacist knows faster than your doc does...just remember that liquid is absorbed faster and possibly may effect you quicker than swallowinga whole or crushed meds....good the local FANTASTIC pharmacy is BEACON in East Haven (203-467-2600)...the pharmacists are JIM, ANNE and MARTHA...they are incredibly nice and will take the time to answer ANY questions....just tell them DREA sent you...I deal with them on a daily basis for work and they were INCREDIBLE with me post-op as I needed liquid Demerol and Liquid extra-strength tylenol in adult strength (both of which thye special ordered me from a nursing home type vendor...Good Luck!!!!!